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Search results

  1. Lucifer Morningstar 69

    IMPORTANT Applications for the leader of party

    can time be extended cause i am out of city
  2. Lucifer Morningstar 69

    IMPORTANT Applications for the leader of party

    LUCY PARTY Party is newly Formed with all the former Head of Sahp,fiband other gangs we have so much experince our party consist of 25 The Lucy Party was formed with the core idea of Protecting and Defending the citizens of this city against Social Injustices My dream had always been to be a...
  3. Lucifer Morningstar 69

    Rejected FAIL RP, UB | 55544

    the officer fined me for wrong reaon i took hostage and he fined me for wrong reaon also give me money to pay wroong fine and didnt gave reason to fine only wrong penal codes
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