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  1. S

    Rejected Anti-Cheat#1004 | Napal Fedorov

    i was in garage getting car and all of sudden i got disconnected saying anti-cheat and i don't even cheat but it happened after i changed redux i don't know why you banned me because i was just getting car you guys can pc check me whenever you want hell you can even pc check me every single time...
  2. S

    Approved RDM | 341003

    all in pov
  3. S

    Rejected GR 6.4 & DM | shay wraith

    i will try to explain what happed as much as i can. so i was on my way to LSPD hq and i hear gun shoots and i see guy killing another person on roof i thought it was only 1 guy getting killed on roof and decided to go put my uniform on and come back as fast as passible to get the guy if cant at...
  4. S

    Approved GEN 6.15 | Beni valentine

    i had only 1 warning and before you saw everything that was happening you came at last part and gave me 2 warning for just GEN 6.15 and banned me
  5. S

    Reviewed possible cheats | pov request | 106882

    i suspect he is using cheats, i was standing behind the wall and he somehow killed me.
  6. S

    Approved RDM | 251653

    all in pov killing for no reason!
  7. S

    Reviewed Fail RP: | 287882

    Because I thought I did but I didn’t since I didn’t drawn my self instead I was killed and check other pov if you don’t believe me I got killed!
  8. S

    Reviewed Fail RP: | 287882

    And one of your guys killed me I didn’t drawn my self and did not put me on cuff so not fail rp from my part https://streamable.com/8mmtbx and there is the prove i didnt drawn my self !
  9. S

    Reviewed Fail RP: | 287882

    How about you jumping with armor on that PG as well
  10. S

    Reviewed Fail RP: | 287882

    you did meta gaming cause you in discord call
  11. S

    Rejected Warning Removal Appeal for CL | Vishwa Blake

    i saw the pov they released and i totally understand what it looks like from the players and admins side but it is not what it happened i lost connection in worst possible time i have pov if u can kindly review my application and review my pov i would appreciate it tank you !
  12. S

    Rejected Warning Removal Appeal

    i saw the pov they released and i totally understand what it looks like from the players and admins side but it is not what it happened i lost connection in worst possible time i have pov if u can kindly review my application and review my pov i would appreciate it tank you !
  13. S

    Rejected Closed

    This fam deserves it
  14. S

    Rejected Close

    ++++ amazing fam
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