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  1. R

    Rejected Ban for 6.3| Don bufalino 62025

    I have tried sending this application for a good time now and it got rejected i beg i really want my account back i didnt know it was illegal and i didnt steal i got them from a man that told me to sell them and then i would get 50% of the sell and i didnt know it was illegal in the server i...
  2. R

    Rejected Ban for 6.3|Don bufalino

    I got banned for stealing weapons in org. I have worked for pd in 6 month and i swear to god i have delivered my gear every time i have been on duty because i was told to i even became Hc in pd and i had a nice time. But i left and i did something stupid. I was told by a guy to sell his gear and...
  3. R

    Rejected Ban for stealing org weapon| Don bufalino

    I got banned for stealing weapons from pd org. i was a loyal guy never stole anything. i fairly did sell balaclavas from a guy in pd and now i know why he didnt want to do it himself. This is not a complain to mr alex. I have been in city for over 1 year i dont want to lose my time in city. I...
  4. R

    Rejected 6.3 permaban alex odd

    I got banned for stealing weapons from pd org. i was a loyal guy never stole anything. i fairly did sell balaclavas from a guy in pd and now i know why he didnt want to do it himself. This is not a complain to mr alex. I have been in city for over 1 year i dont want to lose my time in city
  5. R

    Rejected 6.3 perma ban

    Didnt mean month it is weeks
  6. R

    Rejected 6.3 perma ban

  7. R

    Rejected 6.3 perma ban

    I was on my way into city i have been in city since the beginning. And it says i am perma banned. For Sterling weapons. And then I remembered like 5 mont ago a guy told me to sell balaclavad for him and I did is it that. I have been in pd but I was loyal never stole anything I have pov if...
  8. R

    Approved Combat log: id 51951: id 95260: id: id 32682

    they combat log i swear
  9. R

    Approved Combat log: id 51951: id 95260: id: id 32682

    3 people combat logged we tried to rob the first person was stalling and the other just left immediately
  10. R

    Rejected ramming me many times and saying bad words

    a man drived behind me and started to ram me i said stop i have 38 sec more vid if this is not enought
  11. R

    Rejected killing me and some others random at the street

    Me and 10 other guys drove on a road and i stopped and i got drived over and started to record and a man got out of the vehichle andkilled us all
  12. R

    Rejected player 44355 anti afk and killing

    Because he said to me that he wanted 15 grand points and i dont know what that is so he said go afk with something on your keyboard i dis that but he recorded me and i didnt know that it was illegal he is so dumb
  13. R

    Rejected player 44355 anti afk and killing

    But i am banned because of him
  14. R

    Rejected player 44355 anti afk and killing

    Ok i will
  15. R

    Rejected player 44355 anti afk and killing

    I will send a 1 minute video of him smashing my friend and driving away
  16. R

    Rejected Anti afk player (44355)

    I walked around my house when i suddenly saw a man being walking a brigde he just walked facing in the wall
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