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  1. corrupt ollie 151088

    Rejected GR 1.7 I Del Federal

    I agree to money wipe
  2. corrupt ollie 151088

    Rejected GR 1.7 I Del Federal

    I got banned for G.R 1.7 i didnt know what i did im sorry for what i did im new to the server and have never been banned or done anything illegal - give me a second chance im learning all the rules to make sure this never happens. i was just eager to make money asap. please unban me I will...
  3. corrupt ollie 151088

    Reviewed GR 1.7 I Del Federal

    I agree to a money wipe
  4. corrupt ollie 151088

    Rejected GR 1.7 I Del Federal

    I got banned for G.R 1.7 i didnt know what i did im sorry for what i did im new to the server and have never been banned or done anything illegal - give me a second chance im learning all the rules to make sure this never happens. i was just eager to make money asap. please unban me.
  5. corrupt ollie 151088

    Rejected ban 60 days GR 1.7

    this is my 3rd thread and still no one has helped i was banned for selling battlepass before it was illegal i think the ban was unfair and i hope you can reconsider your decision.
  6. corrupt ollie 151088

    Rejected Ban 60 Days GR 1.7

    I was banned for selling battlepass this rule was not made until after I finished selling battlepases if rule was in place i would not of sold battlepass.
  7. corrupt ollie 151088

    Rejected GR 1.7

    Ban for GR 1.7m | Del_Federal On the 26.06.2024 I was banned for GR 1.7 because I exceed the $5,000,000 limit I wouldn't of exceed this amount if there was a rule in place about selling the battelepass I now know there is a rule in place if this rule was in place before I started to sell the...
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