1: Maurice
2: 34
3: European timezone
4: Avarage hours online per day: 10
5: Discord: King-Kryson#8309
6:nickname : Kentay Griffin
7: id: 29916
additional informations:
1. Leader of... SAHP
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?
1: I was a High command under the last...
1: Maurice
2: 34
3: European timezone
4: Avarage hours online per day: 10
5: Discord: King-Kryson#8309
6:nickname : Kentay Griffin
7: id: 29916
additional informations:
1. Leader of... SAHP
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?
1: I was a High command under the last...
I checked the rules but I actually didn't find Failrp rule number. I changed the title to similar FearRP reports that where approved. I hope that's OK I will look threw all the rules once more tho to see if I can find the actual rule number too.
Hello i want to report player id 35564 for FearRP we were in a chase on him sitting in a black mercedes we had 2 cop cars with 6 officers in total we trapped him at a gas station had guns pointed at him and he just ran us over and left. I'll admit that we didn't rp the bad crash at the end our...
European summer time. Plus 1 hour on City time
8-10 hours
King-Kryson #8309
IC name: Kentay Griffin
I would like to become an admin to Support ppl in their rp experience and make sure they follow the rules at all times. there are like 800 people on the server and like half of...
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