Brother for your kind information i want to tell you that Satish sir is asking full pov not 14 sec pov
Full pov means - From starting of event to end of event
Dear admin,
I am forget start recording after I kill this person then my friend told everyone recording is on, isn't it? then I am check my body cam is not open after that I am on body camp here is my friend POV it's a visual everything ✂️ pov here is my full pov I agree I am stupid please...
Dear admin , first of all this pov is croped , i was just standing on street and suddenly he came and started stuning me without any reason then i started running and he stunned me again and cuffed me and after that he takes out my personal details and after that he arresting me you can see in...
And after we given him demand he started running around the area which comes under rp situation and after that when he went out of parameter then we stop shooting ask him for full pov
Dear senior admin,
I was afk in my house washroom before 15-20 from getting punishment and suddenly i teleported in jail and i dont know why. I want to know why i get warn and rdm jail, i want to know why i got punishment without any reason. I called wizard because someone killing us without...
Dear senior admin sir,
I was afk in my house washroom before 15-20 from getting punishment and suddenly i teleported in jail and i dont know why. I want to know why i get warn and rdm jail, i want to know why i got punishment without any reason. I called wizard because someone killing us...
I was afk in my house washroom before 15-20 from geeting punishment and suddenly i teleported in jail and i dont know why . I want to know why i get warn and rdm jail , i want to know why i got punishment without any reason
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