ID: 27796
Name in the game: Max Banano
Why were you banned? Rule 1.1 Account Holder
How long were you banned? 9999
How long will your sentence last? 9746
Why should we unban you?
Dear Mazhor, I hereby request my resignation.
I have now tried as best I can to bridge the time and have come...
ID: 27796
Name in the game: Max Banano
Why were you banned? Rule 1.1 Account Holder
How long were you banned? 9999
How long will your sentence last? 9776
Why should we unban you?
Dear Mazhor, I hereby request my resignation.
I have now tried as best I can to bridge the time and have come...
Meine ID:27796
ID der Person: 32276
Beschwerdegrund: 6.16 allg. Regeln
Was ist passiert?:
Wir wollten eine Insurgent auf dem Highway überfallen der nicht anhielt.
1. wir waren 4Personen in 3 Fahrzeugen
2. Er meinte er müsse nicht anhalten
LG Marcel
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