First of all you are mixing and talking in discord saying "did he kill you in the beginning". You then were talking shit saying "Blast Me" and "you wont kill nobody" which is provoking. How are you going to report for RDM when YOU punched him first and were provoking by talking shit which he...
First of all, you are reporting without any context. Your friend kept coming into HQ and punching us so we told him to leave multiple times and he did not. You came and tried to heal your friend multiple times and we gave you multiple demands everyone time.
First Video is us telling your...
First of all in this --> you are saying we killed you while robbing you because you were shit talking us. But your mic audio is not in the clip so you cannot say we killed you for no reason. Next time think before you post :)
what do you mean same family same people? first of all did you not read that we aren’t in black disciples? and second of all that ID has nothing to do with the 3 IDs in this report. ur a weirdo
ID 118809 - Purposely baiting me into accedentally shooting her by standing behind her friends to bait me into accedentally shooting her while her friend stood directly infront of her...
what?? that's funny because I never purposely stood anywhere, its called walking
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