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Search results

  1. A

    Approved RDM | 62203

    Suspects comes at me randomly and shoots me down without demand.
  2. A

    Approved Hostage in GZ - 171503, 171387, 171454 & 172298

    These four guys walked into GZ where we had multiple units of GOV and FIB. They pulled out guns in GZ and tried taking hostage. I immediately called on gods but seems they were occupied and as soon as gunshot started I called for backup.
  3. A

    Approved RDM - 125593

    I was trying to find a fossil when this guy shows up and shoots without any demand.
  4. A

    Approved RDM - 171256 and 170708

    I was heading to my second house to take care of my garden when I see a guy attempted VDM and next pulls out a gun and shoots me without any demand along with his complicit.
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    Approved CL - 55849

    Inmate did CL when being moved to isolation cell
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    Approved CL - 162302

    Inmate did CL when being moved to isolation cell
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    Approved CL - 129193

    Inmate did CL when being move to isolation cell.
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    Approved CL - 166742

    Inmate was being moved to Isolation chamber for attempt to escape and did Combat Log.
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    Approved CL - 103516

    Inmate was seen trespassing outside the building and didn't stop even after orders. Did CL immediately after being stunned and handcuffed.
  10. A

    Approved GOV Armory Theft | 148268

    GOV employee stole a lot of equipments from the GOV Warehouse and prime quit the org.
  11. A

    Approved CL | 124539

    Chopper landed/trespassing in DOC backyard and did CL when unconscious.
  12. A

    Approved CL - 94898

    Suspect was caught trespassing in DOC yard and carrying lot of illegal items. Did CL when taken in custody.
  13. A

    Rejected Appeal for remove Warning | Kareem Miller

    Jefran Marley has been working under me in DOC and has been excellent employee with much dedication to work. I am pretty sure he wouldn't have made the mistake knowingly. Anyhow, I kindly request Kareem to accept his apology and remove his warning.
  14. A

    Approved RDM - 102807

    Suspect drives wrong side of the road and crashes my family member's car. After crash, starts shooting randomly to everyone around.
  15. A

    Approved CL - 76385

    Suspect was seen inside DOC trespassing. On being questioned and request to search, he did combat log.
  16. A

    Approved RDM |132004

    I was heading to waters to find a fossil and this guy out of no where shot me without warning. Had to get close to him to get his ID.
  17. A

    Approved 101656 - Combat Logging

    Inmate has been causing trouble in cell and Combat Log whenever been tried to moved to Isolation cell. First time: Second time:
  18. A

    Approved Stealing from GOV WH | 152805

    Was found stealing weapons from DOC WH and later prime quit. His accompany (also ex-GOV employee) was seen near blackmarket with trunk loaded with same arms but didn't had access to WH. Some of the arms were dropped to him.
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