Dear EN3 Administration,
I am writing to appeal my unfair ban in February, which has made it difficult for me to enjoy the game since. I want to prove my innocence in the duping incident. I had no involvement in it, as I don't speak Arabic and I'm not affiliated with the Shelby or Arabian...
Hello dear en3 Administration, I have been banned in february when the Arabian Cartel had done dupeing on the server it has taken all my will to play this game since I saw it as unfair ban and today im here to prove my innocence: I was in no way at all involved in any of these...
Hello dear en3 Administration, I have been banned in february when the Arabian Cartel had done dupeing on the server it has taken all my will to play this game since I saw it as unfair ban and today im here to prove my innocence: I was in no way at all involved in any of these dupes I do not...
Hello Adminsitarion, I have been banned for "Gen rule 1.9" I never remember breaking that rule and I very much appologise if I did, however I think it was because my friend got banned for the same thing, we gave a loan to each other but never sold cars houses or anything of that sort so I do not...
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