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Search results

  1. Jessi Fedro

    Reviewed RDM on fam turf / 80917

  2. Jessi Fedro

    Reviewed RDM on fam turf / 80917

    His id is 111287
  3. Jessi Fedro

    Reviewed RDM on fam turf / 80917

    RDM on fam turf by fam member He punched first then i punched him back so he shot me and killed me
  4. Jessi Fedro

    Rejected Unban Appeal for GR 6.22

    https://www.canva.com/design/DAFporXLqEs/RmQ297itDfFIBQHfBUvxqQ/edit?utm_content=DAFporXLqEs&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton Here is another explantion with the stuff underlined pls check it out and pls approve my unban request
  5. Jessi Fedro

    Rejected Unban Appeal for GR 6.22

    So i had joined the family for some help to make money , and i had been asking people there if i can take some fuel canisters to fuel the cars or use repair kits to repair the cars that had been punchered or broken by me so i had asked them before taking all that stuff . I had no intentions of...
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