Poštovani Abraham/Mujo/Aldin
Obraćam vam se povodom zabrane pristupa koja mi je izrečena zbog učestalih kršenja pravila zajednice. Svestan sam da sam svojim postupcima narušio atmosferu i integritet zajednice, i iskreno se kajem zbog toga.
Molim vas da razmotrite moju molbu za skidanje sa...
Dear Lebron,
I know I made a mistake by breaking the rules and I understand my punishment. But I fell in love with this project and wouldn't want to stop playing on it.
I'm here to ask you to give me another chance to show you that I can respect the rules and enjoy the project that way.
Dear Lebron,
I know I made a mistake by breaking the rules and I understand my punishment. But I fell in love with this project and wouldn't want to stop playing on it.
I'm here to ask you to give me another chance to show you that I can respect the rules and enjoy the project that way.
Dear Lebron,
I understand that my past behavior led to my ban, and I take full responsibility for my actions. I recognize that I repeatedly broke the rules, and I sincerely regret my decisions. Looking back, I realize how my actions negatively impacted the community, and I genuinely apologize...
Poštovani administratori,
Želim da se iskreno izvinim zbog svojih postupaka koji su doveli do mog bana. Svestan sam da sam više puta prekršio pravila i da je to uticalo na zajednicu i njeno funkcionisanje. Nije mi bila namera da pravim probleme, ali priznajem da sam pogrešio i potpuno razumem...
Poštovani administratori,
Želim da se iskreno izvinim zbog svojih postupaka koji su doveli do mog bana. Svestan sam da sam više puta prekršio pravila i da je to uticalo na zajednicu i njeno funkcionisanje. Nije mi bila namera da pravim probleme, ali priznajem da sam pogrešio i potpuno razumem...
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