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  1. T

    Rejected House Extension / Unban | Omer Pluxury

    Hello, I recently filed an appeal, and had my ban reduced from a 30 day total to a 7 day total, see original forum via this link- Reviewed - Ban for OBS Use | Omer Pluxury I wanted to reach out because I had purchased a house in Vinewood Hills for my family, and before I was able to transfer...
  2. T

    Reviewed Ban for OBS Use | Omer Pluxury

    Hello, I was banned for rule 6.17 (using OBS to record). This was entirely my mistake, as I was completely unaware OBS was not an approved recording device. I would like to appeal this ban for the following reasons - I recognize it was my negligence that led to me using OBS. I don't typically...
  3. T

    Rejected Fail RP | 174758, 108028, 124654, 183389, 140754, 109539, 148056

    Ballsy to even come post on this thread
  4. T

    Rejected Fail RP | 174758, 108028, 124654, 183389, 140754, 109539, 148056

    Because I wasn’t recording until y’all pushed my car out of the green zone to steal it which is clearly against the rules.
  5. T

    Rejected Fail RP | 174758, 108028, 124654, 183389, 140754, 109539, 148056

    This group pushed our Lambo out of the green zone to rob it and robbed it with weapons out right outside of greenzone. We now have to pay $1,000,000 to get it out of impound.
  6. T

    Approved Fail RP, Non English in public | ID 137233, ID 134487, ID 126178, ID 186657, ID 120461, ID 90437

    This group followed me and stalked me in GZ for 20 minutes. They illegally tried to pull me over and force me out of the car with only 2 people. Then pulled up with 6 cars and waited for me to leave bank GZ. They then followed me and my family until we were out of greenzone, got out in city and...
  7. T

    Rejected Appeal of Ban for rule 6.3

    Hello, I was banned on December 20th, 2021 by Alex Odd for violation of Rule 6.3 . The violation was a complete misunderstanding on my part, and I did not intentionally violate the rule. I completely regret my oversight and in the last 8 months since the ban, I have had the honor of serving as...
  8. T

    Rejected Robbing in GZ | Harvey Spector

    I was given a demorgan for robbing in GZ. I was at the bank north west of the city off the beach highway where there is NO GREEN ZONE indicated. Harvey did inform me that ALL banks ARE green zones, even when it does not appear in the top left corer of the screen. I was unaware of this, and now...
  9. T

    Rejected Banned for Rule 6.3

    I also spoke to my chief, Gabi Tosca. She confirmed she has checked my logs and I always return, these were from when the armory was closed due to the org being suspended and in limbo. She can confirm, please speak to her. Thank you all :)
  10. T

    Rejected Banned for Rule 6.3

    Hello, First off, thank you for taking the time to read my appeal. I have no complaint against a specific admin, I simply want to appeal my ban for general rule 6.3. I am a detective with LSPD, working very hard on achieving Lieutenant. I have worked diligently and tirelessly on ranking up LSPD...
  11. T

    Rejected Demorgan/ 88300

    I was being robbed by a group of people. They then put me in the back of a car. At no point did they tell me they had a gun on me in the car, nor did they have any guns pointed at me, so I ran to my car. They shot and killed me and reported me to Admin. I was demorganed but didn't break any...
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