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  1. D

    Reviewed Bug Abuse | Playboy

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    Rejected MASS RULEBREAK | (IDs 12152, 47518, 6271, 786, 2013, 41396)

    Sadly, as I don't record desktop, I don't have pov of my crash. I have lowered some of my settings in the hopes of reducing my crashes as I have been getting a lot recently. Having looked into alternatives ways of capturing my crash, I will record it with my phone. Hope you can see my side of...
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    Rejected ballas fail rp

    All you had to say was that you just got robbed instead of provoking us, cheers.
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    Rejected Demorgan for FailRP | Martin Miller

    I was demorganed for failRP for "picking up a weapon with a gun in hand" and recieved two hours in demorgan. Its been ruled in the past that this is not against the rules so I am unsure on why I was punished. Link to the report I was punished for: https://gta5grand.com/forum/threads/8626/ Link...
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