I was fighting with like 4 NG dudes and this random dude started pointing a gun at me mid fight and having common sense I killed him because why would I allow some1 point a GUN at me from 2M away when I'm fighting other people like no one would do this irl and I think I had a pretty fair and...
Dude I need space on my pc also. How am I suppose to know all I needed to do is stand still and spray an assault rifle behind him anyone can do this litterly no skill its not like I killed him in 2 seconds he had like 5 seconds to react by the time I hit my shots
dude what are you pov requesting. I dont have pov bro I deleted it not my fault u cannot look up u can clearly see in video if u slow down the bullets from behind u im on top of the roof and my shots its not like I am cheating I missed entire mag on u if u listen to audio of shots. pls stop...
I dont have pov because there was nothing that suspiciuos so I deleted it but admin if you rewatch pov you can hear the sound of bullets hitting that wooden barricade and see the bullets ashes from wood coming off. Also I miss a lot of shots if u hear in background so dont accuse of cheating...
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