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Search results

  1. Toqa Ilya

    Approved GR 6.15 | 157233

    Thread Accepted player ID 157233 will receive a punishment For GR 6.15
  2. Toqa Ilya

    Rejected gr 3.2 | 163202

    Thread Rejected Incorrect Format ( incorrect date and time ) Please Refer to the Rules for Filing a complaint
  3. Toqa Ilya

    Approved Random Punching + Rdm | 192961

    Thread accepted Player ID 192961 will Receive a punishment For Random Punching + RDM
  4. Toqa Ilya

    Reviewed ER 1.2 | 168357

  5. Toqa Ilya

    Approved GR 6.15 | 194573 , 194606

  6. Toqa Ilya

    Approved GR 6.15 | 157233

  7. Toqa Ilya

    Reviewed GR 6.15 | 175505 , 175456

    Closed The Thread is Closed as Per Owner's Request
  8. Toqa Ilya

    Reviewed GR 6.15 | 175505 , 175456

  9. Toqa Ilya

    Reviewed RDM | 181578

    Closed The Thread is Closed as Per Owner's Request
  10. Toqa Ilya

    Reviewed RDM | 181578

  11. Toqa Ilya

    Reviewed CR | 194027+191937+165581

  12. Toqa Ilya

    Rejected gr 3.2 | 163202

  13. Toqa Ilya

    Approved Random Punching + Rdm | 192961

  14. Toqa Ilya

    Reviewed Rdm+UB Demand | 162686

    Thread Reviewed Player ID 162686 will receive a punishment for RDM Thread Owner Player ID 176363 will receive a punishment for mixing + MG and will banned under investigation
  15. Toqa Ilya

    Reviewed GR 3.2| 161532

    Thread Reviewed Player ID 161532 will receive a punishment for GR 3.2 Player ID 178365 will receive a punishment for GR 3.1 + fail Rp
  16. Toqa Ilya

    Reviewed Fail Rp | 63765

    Closed The Thread is Closed as Per Owner's Request
  17. Toqa Ilya

    Rejected CR

    Thread Rejected Incorrect Format title does not have ID Please Refer to the Rules for Filing a complaint
  18. Toqa Ilya

    Reviewed Rdm+UB Demand | 162686

    Requesting Thread owner to provide extended POV at least 60 sec before the situation you have 6 hours to do so
  19. Toqa Ilya

    Reviewed Gr 6.24 |183669

    Thread Reviewed Player ID 183669 will receive a punishment for GR 6.24+ PG
  20. Toqa Ilya

    Reviewed Fail Rp | 63765

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