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Search results

  1. L

    Approved PG | 444298

    all in pov
  2. L

    Approved Fail RP | 347925

    all in pov
  3. L

    Approved Fail RP | 292205

    all in pov
  4. L

    Approved RDM | 437073

    all in pov
  5. L

    Approved CL | 435528

    all in pov
  6. L

    Approved CR | 230321

    all in pov
  7. L

    Approved RDM & 6.15 | 106342

    It was my friend who demanded you to leave the area and you told him sorry for ramming you then you got out the vehicle and started shooting us without demanding us or giving us 5 seconds to leave or anything.
  8. L

    Rejected GR 6.15 | 435746

    all in pov, he went to the mountain to shoot my armour without giving demands or anything
  9. L

    Approved RDM & 6.15 | 106342

    all in pov
  10. L

    Rejected Warn for CL | Donte Shepard

    i got a warning for CL but i didnt do it on purpose or know anything was happening. All i remember i was at ATM when my game crashed. No one was around me and no situation was happening. Please check the POV of the person who reported me. it will show full everything as i have no idea of what...
  11. L

    Rejected GR 3.2 +СR | ID 308936

    I already apologized to you, as you can see in your POV for doing it by mistake. i was drifting around with my friend, as you can also see in the POV. Please show them the POV, including 30 seconds before and after this event You were also standing in the middle of the road for no reason.
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