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Search results

  1. Void Harsha

    Reviewed Rdm + Nlr | 42569 117831

    Thread Closed (by owners request)
  2. Void Harsha

    Reviewed pov req | 0000

    Any one who speaks FL here will get forum punishment.
  3. Void Harsha

    Reviewed Gen 3.1 | 56366

    Thread Reviewed. Suspect said idiot not indian. However thread owner will be punished for GR 6.15 (no proper rp or demands before starting shooting)
  4. Void Harsha

    Reviewed Gen 3.1 | 56366

  5. Void Harsha

    Rejected Using Cheats | ID- 104379

  6. Void Harsha

    Reviewed POV Request | 111564

    Upon reviewing the evidence, I have decided to Close this report. No suspicious activity in POV's It's just dsync which delayed shots and OBS is not used by suspect.
  7. Void Harsha

    Approved rdm / 135623

    Thread Approved ID 135623 Will be punished for GR 6.15 (When outside the GHETTO you must engage in RP before shooting someone)
  8. Void Harsha

    Reviewed pov req | 0000

    Requesting ID 82522 To provide your part of POV You have 8 hours to do so.
  9. Void Harsha

    Reviewed pov req | 0000

  10. Void Harsha

    Approved rdm / 135623

  11. Void Harsha

    Reviewed Rdm + Nlr | 42569 117831

  12. Void Harsha

    Reviewed POV Request | 111564

    Requesting ID 111564 to provide your part of POV You have 10 hours to do so.
  13. Void Harsha

    Reviewed POV Request | 111564

  14. Void Harsha

    Approved CR & Gen Rule 6.15 | 146315 146314

    Thread Approved ID 146314&146315 Will be punished for CR. ID 146315 Will be punished for GR 6.15.
  15. Void Harsha

    Approved RDM | 86838

    Thread approved ID 86838 Will be punished for GR 6.15 (you must issue demands and count to 5 before shooting outside GHETTO.)
  16. Void Harsha

    Approved RDM | 86838

  17. Void Harsha

    Approved GZ 1.1 | ID: 85297

    Thread approved ID 85297 will get punished for GZ 1.1 as parking spaces are considered green zone.
  18. Void Harsha

    Approved GZ 1.1 | ID: 85297

    Make it (GZ 1.1)
  19. Void Harsha

    Approved GZ 1.1 | ID: 85297

    Requesting Thread owner to Fix the title and time of violation correctly. You have 4 hours to do so.
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