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  1. I

    Reviewed false fear RP by tyrell Johnson

    Ye i was first time get robbed LOL and btw idk how to open the fav menu in emotes TY sir
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    Reviewed false fear RP by tyrell Johnson

    Ye ik accidentally i pull it out but after that i drop it
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    Reviewed false fear RP by tyrell Johnson

    he gave me warning bc he think i was stalling bc i was too slow and idk the name of the emotes and he jailed while i was on knee and these my friend s in vid the dont have PC they r PS players and they were playing rocket league note: my mic is broken so i cant speak with them niether w my friends
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    Rejected false fear RP by tyrell Johnson

    dont close it i want to discuss it w u
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    Rejected false fear RP by tyrell Johnson

    u r telling its in mid situation but u can see when i got jailed i was on my knee r u kidding me it was not mid situation bc the problem started here
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    Rejected false fear RP jail by tyrell Johnson

    like he jailed me bc i used he wrong emte i put it bc its the closest one for hands in the air
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    Rejected false fear RP jail by tyrell Johnson

    so they were robbing me with 3 gang members and idk the name of the emote but he jaied me while my hands r up
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    Approved false block by Spike Pluxury

    this admin blocked my friend bc he killed a guy in RED ZONE and that guy didnt like that so reported him and u can notice in the vid i will put in the proof that it was showing red zone note: my friend cant do acc here so i am made the report
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    Rejected false block

    so basically i am doing a report bc my friend dont know how to make acc here my friend his id is 438111 killed a guy in RED zone u can notice that in the vid that i put it in proof and that guy reported bc of that
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    Approved Killing in black market 304953

    Note: plz check the another vid called “forum 2”
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    Reviewed killing in black market

    so i was shopping in black market then he came to me and start shooting then i walked away and he came back and killed me then he mercy kill me and u can check my pov (plz check my other vid in the channel its related to it
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