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  1. Ninjax Ottoman

    Approved CR, VDM | 87411

    i was in afk , 87411 this guy hitting my friend after finishing with my friend , he came to me and ran over me, then he CR and bring that car over me in GZ,that time i was in afk ic and doing my personal work IRL
  2. Ninjax Ottoman

    Rejected CR, VDM | 87411

    all are in pov
  3. Ninjax Ottoman

    Rejected CR,VDM in GZ +on afk person

    Hello . as you see in the video if you go to 0:12 sec on video you will see this situation started .the guy with id 87411 came in fishing pond to fish ,my friend was also fishing.so if you go at 0:12 you will see this guy done with fishing and went to his car and started to hit my friend and ran...
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