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  1. N

    Approved Rules for state 1.12, RDM, NLR | 103050, PG | 98139

    I was minding my own business and this 103050 id guy started shooting me for no reason, then 98139 is cuffing without wearing a vest or anything and also did PG, then 103050 breaks NLR
  2. N

    Approved Jail for Ghetto Rule 1.7 | Percy Killa

    So i got a jail for ghetto rule 1.7 and i was tryna talk to the admin and explain to him that we were killing leos as family but instead of coming and talking about the situation percy says "go and make admin complaint" here is the proof and i dont really think this is how administration should...
  3. N

    Rejected GR 4.1 | 430

    he might be using some kinda illegal redux or software, maybe you can pc check him also his family members got banned for aimbot redux
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