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Search results

  1. Sanku Notorius

    Reviewed CL+Mixing | 149753

    Time Stamp 19:00 to 20:00
  2. Sanku Notorius

    Rejected CL | 149753

    all in pov time stmap 19:50 to 20:00
  3. Sanku Notorius

    Rejected LSPD Corrupt Bio | Sanku Notorious | 49627

    Organization: LSPD Name: Sanku Notorious Gender: Male Age: 39 Nationality: Indian Place of Birth: Kolhapur Sexuality: Straight Eye Colour: Blue Hair Colour: Black Tattoos: No Strengths: Fast Learner, Sharp Shooter Weakness: Smoke Too Much, Kindess Life Story: Sanku's childhood unfolded in the...
  4. Sanku Notorius

    Reviewed Closee

    all in pov
  5. Sanku Notorius

    Rejected LSPD Corrupt Bio | Sanku Notorious | 49627

    Organization: LSPD Name: Sanku Notorious Gender: Male Age: 37 Nationality: Indian Place of Birth: Kolhapur Sexuality: Straight Eye Colour: Blue Hair Colour: Black Tattoos: No Strengths: Fast Learner, Sharp Shooter Weakness: Smoke Too Much, Kindess Life Story: Sanku's childhood unfolded in the...
  6. Sanku Notorius

    Approved RDM | 164693

    All in pov
  7. Sanku Notorius

    Approved RDM | 135482

    ALL in POV
  8. Sanku Notorius

    Approved VDM/CR | 161841

    he was maybe going somewhere else then he saw me and hit me and go somewhere eles it clearly means he just wanted to hit me. ALL in POV
  9. Sanku Notorius

    Rejected Pending review | Curator State

    Dear, Pablo,Sam,Jonathan Rejected - Pending review | Curator state here you said i have to many bans but actully first one was for gr 6.17 at that time i was not knowing about that OBS after that i reqeusted and they unbanned me and second one was i got beacuse of my mistake and i apologies for...
  10. Sanku Notorius

    Rejected Pending review | Curator state

    Hello Pablo, Sam, Jonathan I got banned for deceiving administaration on 31.05.2024 , I was Ex-Sherrif I wanted to make my term much better but beacuse of some reason i got failed i completed the term but with inactivity i got know to what i done wrong but then i got deceving i want to become a...
  11. Sanku Notorius

    Rejected SAHP Corrput Bio | Sanku Notorious | 49627

    Organization: SAHP Name: Sanku Notorious Gender: Male Age: 34 Nationality: Indian Place of Birth: Kolhapur Sexuality: Straight Eye Colour: Blue Hair Colour: Black Tattoos: No Strengths: Fast Learner, Sharp Shooter Weakness: Smoke Too Much, Kindess Life Story: Sanku's childhood unfolded in the...
  12. Sanku Notorius

    Rejected SAHP Corrupt Bio | Sanku Notorious | 49627

    Organization: SAHP Name: Sanku Notorious Gender: Male Age: 34 Nationality: Indian Place of Birth: Kolhapur Sexuality: Straight Eye Colour: Blue Hair Colour: Black Tattoos: No Strengths: Fast Learner, Sharp Shooter Weakness: Smoke Too Much, Kindess Life Story: Sanku's childhood unfolded in...
  13. Sanku Notorius

    Rejected SAHP Corrupt Bio | Sanku Daku | 103626

    organization: SAHP Name: Sanku Daku Gender: Female Age: 9 Nationality: Indian Place of Birth:Kolhapur Sexuality: Straight Eye color: blue Hair color:black Tattoos: on leg, chest, hand Strengths: hard worker, sharp shooter and sharp mineded Weakness: Easily trust, anger issue Life Story: Once...
  14. Sanku Notorius

    Rejected SAHP Corrupt Bio | Sanku Daku | 103626

    organization: SAHP Name: Sanku Daku Gender: Male Age: 9 Nationality: Indian Place of Birth:Kolhapur Sexuality: Male Eye color: blue Hair color:black Tattoos: no tattoos Strengths: I am hard working,good shooter Weakness:Easily trust anyone,Money & Gambling Life Story: Sanku was part of a poor...
  15. Sanku Notorius

    Reviewed Gen Rule 6.4/PG/Fail RP | 101028/ 115981

    all in pov
  16. Sanku Notorius

    Rejected Gen Rule 6.4 | 101028/ 115981

    ill show you the pov in dms contact me
  17. Sanku Notorius

    Rejected Jail for VDM | Lazen hellfire

    i havent done any vdm ask him for proofs and check it pls
  18. Sanku Notorius

    Rejected Wrong Decision | Lezen Hellifire

    the vdm is done by another guys and he punishing me ask him for pov (proof)
  19. Sanku Notorius

    Reviewed Baised Admin | Lezen Hellfiree

    just saying here but not watching the situations.
  20. Sanku Notorius

    Approved Gen 6.12 | 127138

    all in pov
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