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  1. Luiss Vercetti

    Rejected Discord unban request Oscar Leves reason:sharing admin info, Admin:Abby Vuitton

    What Happened: Banned from GRP Discord Server REASON: sharing admin information. Admin: Abby Vuitton Hello whoever see this please help me. My main dc account is banned, bc I did something that I should not have , but I didnt wanted to do anything wrong, and right now I want to be a deputy for...
  2. Luiss Vercetti

    Rejected Discord unban request DC name: Oscar Leves

    Hello whoever see this please help me. My main dc account is banned, bc I did something that I should not have , but I didnt wanted to do anything wrong, and right now I want to be a deputy for ballas, and I cant be deputy cause I need to be in the grp dc server to get roles, and im banned from...
  3. Luiss Vercetti

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  4. Luiss Vercetti

    Rejected Poke chan I ghetto rule 1.12 I False punishment

    So me and my gang members were doing hostage situation, and a lot of people started getting 120 min jail, i didnt realize it first but than i got jail too for something i/we didnt do.As you can see in the video i was with aditya waiting for the leos finish their talk, and than the second thing...
  5. Luiss Vercetti

    Approved GZ 1.1, 2.3 ID:55544

    guy killed me after i didnt wanted to give him a ride all in pov.
  6. Luiss Vercetti

    Approved ghetto rule 1.4 ID:120222

    This is the second time on today, that someone is shoting into our hq these random guys needs to stop, after he killed us, he spammed"N**ger" i dont have proof for that but yea.
  7. Luiss Vercetti

    Rejected warn for ghetto rule 1.3 | Tomi Meller

    admin forgot to give him punishment but i got warn cause i went to hq for "provoking" i wasnt provokating anybody , and i went to hq without ic reason, sorry i wasnt focusing on that, i was focusing on the guy who ran back. + If a gangmember gets chased by cops/gangs, he cannot get back to his...
  8. Luiss Vercetti

    Rejected ghetto rule 1.6 id:99891

    this guy ran back to hq when i chased him
  9. Luiss Vercetti

    Rejected ghetto rule 1.6 id:99891

    this guy ran back to his hq when i was chasing him
  10. Luiss Vercetti

    Rejected Powergaming

    2 people wanted to kill me but i killed them and than they left the game, i donthave proof of the other guy , i only have proof of one guy
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