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Search results

  1. Alii choo

    Rejected Ban for illegal discord I Markus Cartel

    hello dear higher-ups, i´m here to appeal my ban for illegal discord but it wasn´t illegal discord it was just Privet turf discord cuz me a long time i didn´t play Grand Rp cuz i was focusing in my study and when i back playing i take Turf leader and i wasn´t know that if i use privet turf...
  2. Alii choo

    Rejected Ban from Ballas discord | Adham Pluxury

    Hello dear Adham also Dears higher-ups, Today i’m here to appeal my bans in discord ik tye mistake that i done before i’m soo sorry and I apologize for this misunderstanding from me i wasn’t know that i can’t use s**t banner i wasn’t have any idea on it before plz dears unban just this time i...
  3. Alii choo

    Rejected Ban from Main Server Discord | Unknown admin

    Hello dear Lebron, i’m sorry if i did something wrong or i did a mistake but i didn’t know what is the reason for what i got banned plz mr.Lebron give me a chance and i will not repeat if i do something wrongly i apologize for u Sir Discord id : 1159908534121668760 Ty Sir for giving me ur time ❤️
  4. Alii choo

    Rejected Ban from Main Server Discord | Unknown admin

    Hello deas higher-ups, Today when i woke up i saw my self that i’m banned from main GRP discord and idk why i got banned for I didn’t break any rules or I didn’t promote any server discord can u plz review my forums plz Ty for giving me ur time My discord id : 1159908534121668760
  5. Alii choo

    Rejected Ban for illegal discord | Markus Cartel

    Hello dear Lebron Pluxury, Yesterday i got banned for Illegal discord cuz i was the turf Leader of Bloods and the term was take just yesterday’s soo the curators didn’t inform the Leader to do not use Turfs discord for Turf we need to use Org discord not just me who get banned all the players...
  6. Alii choo

    Rejected Ban for illegal discord I Markus Cartel

    Hello dear Higher-ups, Today i'm appealing my punishment i wasn't know if i used Turf discord cuz i was Turf lead in Bloods and the gang was taken yesterday and today was the first day in the term and i'm soo sorry cuz i wasn't know that its illegal to use turf discord bt when i ask Mr Markus he...
  7. Alii choo

    Rejected Blacklisted for Too many Bans | Pablo Shmidt

    Hello Dear Lebron. Hello dear higher-ups i´m writting this forum to appeal my punishment and i appoligize about my mistake that i done for it i think 1 monthe ago i got banned for E.R 1.7 But when i get POV Req i was sleeping when i woke up i saw that i get banned after that i provide the POV to...
  8. Alii choo

    Reviewed Banned From Main Server Discord | Unknow Admin

    Hello Dear Admin, I got banned from GRP discord but idk why i get banned if it the reason of that i get blacklisted for too many bans just from En02 but i’m playing in En01 and i’m playing in En01 and i wanna apply for leadership soon As possible plz forgive me a chance i know also when i get...
  9. Alii choo

    Rejected Banned From Main Server Discord | Unknow Admin

    Hello Dear Admin, Idk when i get banned form the server and idk why also i got banned and for wich reason plz can u unban me This is my user Id discord : 1159908534121668760 Ty for giving me ur time .
  10. Alii choo

    Rejected Banned From Main Server Discord | Unknow Admin

    Hello Dear Admin, Idk when i get banned form the server and idk why also i got banned and for wich reason plz can u unban me This is my user Id discord : 1159908534121668760
  11. Alii choo

    Rejected Blacklisted for too many bans | Pablo Shmidt

    Hello dear Lebron Pluxury, Dear Lebron yesterday i appeal my punishment of E.R 1.7 when i get POV req I wasn’t in home when i joined the forum in my Phone i tell to the admin in forum to give me time when i will came home i will provide POV and i’m ready to show PoV of whole events plz Sir give...
  12. Alii choo

    Rejected Ban for E.R 1.7 | Yuta Okkotsuu

    Hello dear Higher-ups, I'm sorry for the mistak that i did i know i do a big mistake i didn't Provide POV but i have POV i wasn't in home to provide it to him and i can show POV of this Events plz Unban me i wanna back play in the server Sincerely, Tyron Opium My pov
  13. Alii choo

    Approved Abuso de errores | 14064

    Quiero ver que es POV y también cómo era invisible porque no puedo verlo.
  14. Alii choo

    Rejected Appeal Admin Blacklist | Nik Payne

    Hello Dear Sam,Pablo, Hii I wanna Ask u dears higher-ups, i´m asking if i can be leader or admin in my twink cuz i don´t have a good punishment history in my main that i´m requesting if i can be in the Twink and Sorry for the distrube and if it not possible to became in my twink plz Sir give me...
  15. Alii choo

    Rejected Appeal Admin Blacklisted | Nik Payne

    So Mr Sam I want you to review this forum Please! So, I applied For admin Before 6months ago I know my mistake one day i applied for admin and i get approuved but i was lying in my age , it was my dream to be admin before and now i´m 17 years Old with my good knowledge rules in the server as...
  16. Alii choo

    Rejected Pov Req | 175691

    I wanna see from where he killed me ?
  17. Alii choo

    Rejected Appeal Leader Blacklist I Hisham Bishop

    Hello Dear Chiefs , I'm Appoligies for my mistake and i'm Sorry for that cuz i write 17 years old by mistake in an application but me i'm 16 years old but close to 17 plz Dears Take matter about my mistake and i will not repeat it and give me a chance and trust me one time and give me the last...
  18. Alii choo

    Rejected Appeal Leader Blacklist | Nik Payne

    Hello Dear Sam , Pablo , I wanna Be admin or leader in my twink if i can cuz in my twink i dont have punishment history Best Regards, Ali
  19. Alii choo

    Rejected Appeal Leader Blacklist | Nik Payne

    Hello Dear, Sam , Pablo , I´m Doing this forum not complaint against admin i´m just appealable about my leader blacklist cuz i was qualified for admin interview but i was deceiving admin in my age and i was 16 and i´m going to 17 soon that i´m asking to revoke me from balcklist and give me...
  20. Alii choo

    Rejected Leader Blacklist | Nik Payne

    Hello Dear, Sam , Pablo , I´m Doing this forum not complaint against admin i´m just appealable about my leader blacklist cuz i was qualified for admin interview but i was deceiving admin in my age and i was 16 and i´m going to 17 soon that i´m asking to revoke me from balcklist and give me...
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