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Search results

  1. Aden Vies

    Approved CR, GR 6.15 | 345607

    All in Pov.
  2. Aden Vies

    Approved GR 6.15 | 247335

    All in Pov.
  3. Aden Vies

    Approved Parent insult | 340835

    He said "F-word your mom", all in Pov.
  4. Aden Vies

    Rejected Warn for GR 6.15 | Luke Lupus

    This guy was taking your solar panels, so I killed him, then in like 5 minutes he came back and started ramming us, then I killed him and got a warn for GR 6.15. Please consider removing the warn please, thank you
  5. Aden Vies

    Approved CR | 386649

    All in Pov.
  6. Aden Vies

    Approved Mother insult | 112280

    All in pov.
  7. Aden Vies

    Approved Mother insults | 83416

    All in pov.
  8. Aden Vies

    Rejected Wrong decision | Luke Lupus

    This guy was taking your solar panels, so I killed him, then in like 5 minutes he came back and started ramming us, then I killed him and got a warn for GR 6.15.
  9. Aden Vies

    Rejected Wrong decision | Jonny Odds

    Hello there, today I got a punishment for Provoking / Rule baiting as well was Fail-RP, I was not meaning to provoke them or rule bate, I just wanted to see their ID's because I remembered them from earlier that day (shown in 2nd Pov), I did not think a leo was going to start shooting me...
  10. Aden Vies

    Approved Corruption without BIO | 382105

    All in Pov.
  11. Aden Vies

    Approved Fail-RP debt collector | 266287

    All in pov.
  12. Aden Vies

    Approved Fail-RP dept collector | 354590

    All in pov.
  13. Aden Vies

    Rejected Abusing BIO | 177111

    He takes me out of the Heli and says: "f your head", then he tazes me 5 times and takes my guns then lets me go.
  14. Aden Vies

    Rejected PG | 380137

    As you can see in the Pov, he cuffed me and dragged me while I was in a car, and he was holding a gun at the same time. All in Pov.
  15. Aden Vies

    Approved PG | 384607

    He cuffed me and dragged me with a gun in his hand. All in Pov.
  16. Aden Vies

    Approved Corruption without BIO, CL | 358245

    As you can see, he cuffed me, I told him to show me his ID then he ran away and left the game. All in Pov.
  17. Aden Vies

    Approved Mixing | 336009

    As you can see in the Pov she says, "If you combat log I will put you on gov ".
  18. Aden Vies

    Approved PG | 336009

    As you can see in the pov this officer was dragging me by the arm, searching me, and using her PDA at the same time she was dragging me.
  19. Aden Vies

    Approved CL | 329469

    All in pov.
  20. Aden Vies

    Rejected RDM, MK | 0000

    Please check kill list, this guy killed me and right after MK. All in pov.
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