Hello, I'm making this appeal once again after months hoping for any possible chance for me to play en1 again and get unbanned I miss my friends so much and just in general of an RP of EN1 will always stay different from others. I really am sorry and I hope I get an opportunity again to enjoy EN1.
I was waiting for informal, and this guy come and clearly know who I am by my ID because you can hear them saying AMG while rdming me like nice MG + RDM all in pov..
Typical Oldpasa cheater as you can see in pov the damage I hit this guy was over 250 if not 300 almost and he is not dead. You can also see in the pov that he was not drugging or coking and was standing still. Insane how these kinds of players are still playing all events with straight up cheats...
I was waiting for weapon factory to enter the event and as you can see 2 people clearly most likely know me which just killed me for no reason right as they entered the zone in pov...
Purposely RDM us all before turf last 2 min to enter and griefed our full turf defense. All in pov this should be more then just a warning personally a family warning should apply to this because this is very unfair.
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