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Search results

  1. A

    Rejected Provoking | 157200

    I pulled over to the side of the road , and out of nowhere this LSPD guy tries to provoke me by showing me his middle finger inside of the Green Zone . He did it repeatedly . If i was doing something illegal he could have arrested me by doing a proper RP , but instead he preferred to provoke me .
  2. A

    Reviewed PG | 186948 + 128331

    So , Both of these were tasing me , my window or windshield was not even broken . ( This is considered PG ) I ve confirmed this thing with Mama nazeer .
  3. A

    Rejected GR 6.4 | 102785

    As far as I checked this guy dont have a corrupt bio , I went to LSPD to meet the Leader but he was not available , Then this asked asked for my passport but since i had not done anything illegal i was not obligated to show him my passport , but when i asked for his id he straight up denied to...
  4. A

    Rejected GZ 1.1 + provoking + Random Punching | 169550 + 163945

    As in the ( 1st POV ) This Guy shot at me for no apparant reason from the GZ . Then i went to him to get his id to report . ( 2nd POV ) he had called lots of his friends at 3:08 he expected me to fear for my life in the GZ when they were not even pointing guns , At 4:55 169550 killed me ...
  5. A

    Reviewed GZ 1.1 | 169271

    There was a Global at DOC , I pulled up as a UC agent , they killed me without any demands in the DOC , They shot in unscripted GZ .
  6. A

    Approved GR 3.1 + GR 3.2 + GR 3.3 | 190046

    NEED AN INDIAN ADMIN TO REVIEW THIS I was doing my UC FIB job when i was arresting this guy , But this guy started using very abusive and insulting language about my mom and sister . ( Dont confuse it with slang ) , It was not a slang he repeatedly kept saying trash about my mom and sister in...
  7. A

    Approved GZ 1.1 | 152157

    I pulled in to the DOC , This guy was caming inside , killed me without any sorts of demands .
  8. A

    Approved CR | 168022

    Its clear that he intentionally rammed me off my Scooter just to kill me .
  9. A

    Approved CL | 193896

    This guy said he wants a private lawyer and that the number was in his phone , I uncuffed him and he did CL . At time stamp 4:19 .
  10. A

    Reviewed VDM + CR + RDM + MK + GZ 1.1 | 10237

    I was at Parking 16 searching for a criminal , when I detained a suspect , This guy stared doing VDM and CR for next 5 minutes straight and in the end he did GZ 1.1 and RDM along with MK as well .
  11. A

    Approved VDM | 158130

    He was following me from long time for no reason doing cr and in the ghetto when i cam out of my car to kill him he started running me over back and forth with his car .
  12. A

    Reviewed Security Ban | Pablo Schmidt

    Hey Pablo , Yesterday my main account was recovered from the hacker and you unbanned me from the security ban , Today the Technical forum for my twink account was reviewed and i got my twink account as well but i have a security ban . Please take care of this too . ( Reviewed - Security Ban |...
  13. A

    Reviewed Security Ban | Pablo Schmidt

    Greetings Pablo, Recently i lost access to my email following that i lost access to my main account too ( 142731 ) , I was tensed but Thanks to the help of Technical Administration I have got my account back and I have been following more security Protocol now , Today when I had everything right...
  14. A

    Approved GZ 1.1 + GR 3.3 + CL | 139685 + 179554 + 186513

    I finished processing a 10-15 , i went out ans saw bunch of people shooting in the GZ , they came in and killed me and all the officers inside without any demands in GZ and they were talking hindi all the while at time stamp (1:08) 139685 said ( madarchod = motherfucker in hindi ) it is ooc...
  15. A

    Approved VDM | 118497

    We were looking for a wanted car , we had a fight while shooting this guy kept hitting me with car . ( i was not provoking , i called him mf you will get fucked because i was frustrated when he ruined the whole RP )
  16. A

    Rejected VDM | 118497

    We were looking for a wanted car , we had a fight while shooting this guy kept hitting me with car . ( i was not provoking , i called him mf you will get fucked because i was frustrated when he ruined the whole RP )
  17. A

    Rejected GZ 1.1 + GR 3.3 + CL | 139685 + 179554 + 186513

    I finished processing a 10-15 , i went out ans saw bunch of people shooting in the GZ , they came in and killed me and all the officers inside without any demands in GZ and they were talking hindi all the while at time stamp (1:08) 139685 said ( madarchod = motherfucker in hindi ) it is ooc...
  18. A

    Rejected VDM | Corky Door

    This ( Approved - VDM | 142731 ) was approved against me doing VDM , I was FIB and i was just trying to stop the crime being committed , I tried to Land the heli on the roof which was a tight space which caused my heli to lose its balance and hit him on an accident , I didnt intend to kill that...
  19. A

    Reviewed GZ 1.1 | 175351

    I was in the Parking when this guy came to me and pulled out his gun , And shot me without giving any demands in the Unscripted Green Zone .
  20. A

    Reviewed CR + RDM + Fail RP + MG + GR 3.2 + GR 3.3 | 184629

    I would like an Indian Admin to look in this , So , I am a UC FIB agent , I was coming from NG side and moving toward the City , Doing my job as usual , At the time stamp (0:55) i had a small bump with his car when he and his people were doing i dont know what on the middle of the road , I didnt...
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