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  1. Koki Candyman

    Rejected Unban Appeal I Dragan Macak

    Hi Lebron, I'm complaining about an unban and you persistently reject my complaint and tell me to reply to that one complaint, but I'm writing everything differently, I don't know what you're going to tell me, I'd like him to get an unban or to have my sentence shortened, I agree to a money...
  2. Koki Candyman

    Rejected Unban appeal I Dragan Macak I For Lebron

    Good evening Lebron, I'm writing you a complaint for an unban appeal for pc cheek and you persistently reject me and tell me to copy this appeal Rejected - Unban Appeal PC CHEEK 59769 I Dragan Macak I For Mazhor and Lebron but I'm not copying it but I started to write much differently so that...
  3. Koki Candyman

    Reviewed Unban Appeal I Dragan Macak I For Lebron

    Good evening lebron, I'm writing you a complaint for an unban appeal for pc cheek and you persistently reject me and tell me to copy this appeal Rejected - Unban Appeal PC CHEEK 59769 I Dragan Macak I For Mazhor and Lebron but I'm not copying it but I started to write much differently so that...
  4. Koki Candyman

    Rejected Unban Appeal pc cheek I Dragan Macak I For Lebron

    Dear Lebron, I got banned 12 days ago, on March 4, I was banned for Pc Cheek, nobody asked me for pov or anything like that, and nobody banned me for gp 4.1, I got banned for my grand's birthday, I wasted a lot of time playing the game both on twink and on main, I would like to get unbanned, I'm...
  5. Koki Candyman

    Rejected Unban Appeal pc cheek I Dragan Macak

    Dragi Abrahame, banovan sam pre 13 dana 4. marta, banovan sam zbog pc cheek-a, niko mi nije trazio pov ili bilo sta slicno, i niko me nije kacio za g.p 4.1 banovan sam za grandov rodjendan, izgubio sam dosta vremena igrajuci igricu i na twinku i na mainu, nisam krsio dosta pravila nemam nista...
  6. Koki Candyman

    Reviewed Unban Appeal pc cheek I Dragan Macak I For Lebron

    Dear Lebron, I got banned 12 days ago, on March 4, I was banned for Pc Cheek, nobody asked me for pov or anything like that, and nobody banned me for gp 4.1, I got banned for my grand's birthday, I wasted a lot of time playing the game both on twink and on main, I would like to get unbanned, I'm...
  7. Koki Candyman

    Rejected Unban Appeal Pc Cheek I Dragan Macak I For Lebron and Mujo

    For Mujo: Dragi Mujo dobio sam ban pre 12 dana 4 marta banan sam za Pc Cheek niko mi nije trazio pov niti slicno i niko me nije kacio za gp 4.1 dobio sam ban za grandov rodjendan uluzio sam dosta vremena da igram igricu i na twinku i na mejnu voleo bih da dobijem unban nisam igrac koji krsi...
  8. Koki Candyman

    Rejected Unban Appeal Pc Cheek 59769 | Dragan Macak | For Lebron

    Dear Lebron, I got banned 8 days ago, on March 4, I was banned for PC Cheek. I was with my family on a hostage for an activity and I went to sit in the car and only Dragan Macak teleported me and asked about PC Cheek and I said that he told me to go into the water and he saw that I had no water...
  9. Koki Candyman

    Rejected Unban Appeal Pc Cheek 59769 I Dragan Macak I For Mazhor and Lebron

    Dear Mazhor and Lebron, I got banned for PC CHEEK a few days ago, on March 4th, it was a very ordinary day, I was on hostage and only Dragan Macak teleported me to him and asked me if I agreed to PC CHEEK, I said that when I entered the voice, he told me to enter the water and I entered and I...
  10. Koki Candyman

    Rejected Unban Appeal PC CHEEK 59769 I Dragan Macak I For Mazhor and Lebron

    Dear Mazhor and Lebron, I got banned for PC CHEEK 2 days ago, on March 4th, it was a very ordinary day, I was on hostage and only Dragan Macak teleported me to him and asked me if I agreed to PC CHEEK, I said that when I entered the voice, he told me to enter the water and I entered and I didn't...
  11. Koki Candyman

    Rejected Unban Appeal PC CHEEK 59769 I Dragan Macak I For Mazhor and Lebron

    Dear Mazhor and Lebron, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to appeal the ban I received from PC CHEEK on March 4th, which was one day ago. It was a completely normal day, and I was participating in a hostage situation when Dragan Macak teleported me. He asked if I agreed to PC...
  12. Koki Candyman

    Rejected Unban appeal for PC-Check 59769 | Dragan Macak | For Mazhor and Lebron

    Dear Mazhor and Lebron, I got banned from PC CHEEK. I got banned 1 day ago. March 4th. It was a completely normal day. I was on the hostage situation and Dragan Macak just teleported me and asked me if I agreed to PC CHEEK. I said yes and he checked my water and I fell into the water. I have no...
  13. Koki Candyman

    Rejected Unban Appeal PC CHEEK | Dragan Macak |for Mujo / Abraham/ Aldin

    Dobro vece Mujo, Abrahame i Aldine dobio sam ban za PC CHEEK Dragan Macak me je teleportovao do njega u sred talacke da bi me PC CHEEK-O realno nisam neki pucac pa da me PC CHEEK-ATE imam jako malo prekrsenih pravila i nisam igrac koji krsi pravila jedva imam 1 stranu na forumu i pao sam zbog...
  14. Koki Candyman

    Rejected Povlscim

  15. Koki Candyman

    Rejected Pov req I 29669

    Znam da je tumor na auto putu zelim da da pov pa da ga administracija kazni za to sto je na auto putu
  16. Koki Candyman

    Rejected Povlscim

  17. Koki Candyman

    Rejected Korumpiranost I Dragan Macak 47053

    Postovani Mujo ili Abrahame znam da nevolite korumpirane admine da imate u admin timu ali kao sto se moze videti da ovde dragan macak pita lika da mu proda cheat sad cete vi verovatno reci da je to bio test ili sta vec ali ja neverujem i mislim da bi ovaj admin trebao da se kazni i to strogo a...
  18. Koki Candyman

    Rejected Unban appeal G.P 5.3 I Dragan Macak

    Postovani mujo ili abrahame isli smo na sferu ja(koki white) mare(mare crowder) ahmed(ahmed saliguos) i ugrin(ugrin crowder) ali je ugrinu kresalo i pali smo na sferi i mare je napisao u club chat citujete retardi mrtvi i onda je dobio ban pa mi je reko da napisem na tiket sto banujete neduze...
  19. Koki Candyman

    Rejected Forum rule 9

    Evo ga jedan forum od igraca Nenada Coldblooded 1.https://gta5grand.com/forum/members/194229/ 2.https://gta5grand.com/forum/members/116223/ evo ih oba naloga od ovog igraca
  20. Koki Candyman

    Rejected Povlacim

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