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  1. Cyber Xpanda

    Rejected Ban For Under Investigation | Tomi Meller

    i got already ban for er1.7 but now again i got ban for under investigation and I am Ready For Pc Check. Discord id : umarishere7
  2. Cyber Xpanda

    Approved Rdm + Gr 3.2 | 173847

    me and my fam member was there and this guy was killing my fam member without any reason and when i ask him why are u killing my fam member he kill me and provoking and abusing my mother in hindi language req to review any hindi admin. THANKS
  3. Cyber Xpanda

    Reviewed Ban for er 1.7 | Mama Nazeer

    i was in my fam house and randomly we got raided and in my pc i have instant replay 15 minutes i can take last 15 minutes pov and when the raid finish i try to save and it show like it saved but when i check it didnt saved bcz of storage plz next time i will be aware plz reduce my ban time. and...
  4. Cyber Xpanda

    Approved Bug Abusing | 170500

    id 170500 bug abuse in ghetto can see clearly he did f1 and came at the same place back. he was dead and he did F1
  5. Cyber Xpanda

    Rejected Bug Abusing | 170500

    id 170500 bug abuse...
  6. Cyber Xpanda

    Reviewed Wrong Decision | Ext Rush

    these guy was abusing my mother in hindi and ext rush rejected the forum said its slang and according to Gr 3.2 Any relatives should not be mentioned in all chats, including voice | Mute 180 minutes or ban up to 7 days.
  7. Cyber Xpanda

    Reviewed Abusing | 166727,170415

    abusing in hindi request any hindi admin to review
  8. Cyber Xpanda

    Reviewed Gr 3.1 + 3.2 + MK | 170415

    abusing in hindi request to review any hindi admin.
  9. Cyber Xpanda

    Rejected Fail RP | 122453

    talking whil dead.
  10. Cyber Xpanda

    Reviewed RDM | 165645

    i was standing there and that guy shot me down.
  11. Cyber Xpanda

    Rejected Abusing | id 161452 / 161213

    in cc can see clearly id 161452 and is 161213 abusing our family.
  12. Cyber Xpanda

    Approved Rdm + Mk + Ub demand | id 161213

    I was in my family house and when I came out of my family house ID 161213 came and gave me a UB demand and killed me for no reason.
  13. Cyber Xpanda

    Reviewed Ban for under investigation I Pina Reapers

    I opened a forum ( Rejected - Ub demand + Rdm | 155989 ,155823 ) and then I was banned because for under investigation. Im ready for pc check that was pc glitch.
  14. Cyber Xpanda

    Rejected Ub demand + Rdm | 155989 ,155823

    can see clearly this is my family house and they plant a solar and giving ub demands and doing rdm.
  15. Cyber Xpanda

    Approved Abusing+RDM | 170951/166768

    Can see clearly in the pov player id 170951 abusing and player id 166768 shooting at me without giving warning of 5 seconds and killed me.
  16. Cyber Xpanda

    Rejected Abusing + RDM | 170951 / 166768

    Can see clearly in the pov player id 170951 abusing and player id 166768 shooting at me without giving warning of 5 seconds and killed me.
  17. Cyber Xpanda

    Rejected Abusing / GR 6.15/ 170951/ 166768/

    Can see clearly in the pov player id 170951 abusing and player id 166768 shooting at me without giving warning of 5 seconds and killed me.
  18. Cyber Xpanda

    Rejected Possible Cheats + RDM | 127490

    first of all he was doing rdm then when i try to shoot him with my bullet it was not connecting to this guy bullet was passing through inside of his body and the rest is in pov.
  19. Cyber Xpanda

    Rejected Unknown I Unofficial Organization

    Family Name: Unknwon Family Leader: Unknown Umar Family House: 241 Leader ID: 148129 Leaders Discord: umargamer14 Leaders Forum: umar snvx LOGO: FAMILY HISTORY: The Unknown family started as a small group of friends in the gritty neighbourhoods of Los Santos. Frustrated by their lack of...
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