I was selling my white monowheel saw his buying ad on clubchat i messaged him and after he was done low balling i told him i got offer of 18m so he replies and then he calles me a kid then i abused him madarchod which is slang then he abused my parents.
While i go to drink water and take a small 5 minute gap from game i left my game on then i saw people near me i sat down on my chair and saw them and they started ramming me and they gave me UB demands to come out of the car its a public zone they can't tell me what to do, then killed me and...
Hey there, I Shaurya NoMercyKnight my alt King BroX was hacked by someone and my forum account was also hacked and my forum account and my alt account had same ID and passwords and i got banned for pending pc check which was done by sir raiky brody but my pc check was taken by sir alan federal...
ID 153687 did GR3.2 at 1:53 ID 163626, 153687, 156848, 153687 are the one i noticed u can see the pov and check who breaked what rule its mass rule break tho
I start by calling an ambulance and informing the admins but that situation is present when I am dying under the car from the position that I was at. Therefore, the recording of the POV does not show whether or not an emergency was called. You can see that the video runs for 4 minutes fifty-six...
So after few days i logged in to my main account because my pc was broken from 31st night and today it got fixed but when i entered my alt it was banned for this and my forum account was hacked by someone and my forum and alt have same email ids
So after few days i logged in to my main account because my pc was broken from 31st night and today it got fixed but when i entered my alt it was banned for this and my forum account was hacked by someone and my forum and alt have same email ids
He disrespect the forums by saying "Ez Gov Bola Na Marunga" also said "Teri to" that is half abuse in hindi an indian admin check please. there were many ppl i got shot 2 times. Please check properly which rules are being broken in the POV
I didn’t get any notification when i got POV request, please check, I don’t know i got notification for a bank transfer of 60k (My Bonus for Playing for Assassin Family)
Btw didn’t got any punishment cause I provided POV if I would not...
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