hi admin my name is tamer i come to game from 8 month ago becuse i bandeed for GR1.8 i remove band from my first account and you talk to me i will remove the band for second account if you dont git warning for 30 days and idont git warning can you remove it pls
Dear Administrators,
I am writing to appeal the ban on my accounts due to a violation of General Rule 1.8. I sincerely apologize for my actions and acknowledge that I was not aware of the specific rules. This oversight was unintentional, and I understand the importance of adhering to the...
hi admin my name is tamer i come to game from 8 month ago becuse i bandeed for GR1.8 i remove band from my first account and you talk to me i will remove the band for second account if you dont git warning for 30 days and idont git warning can you remove it pls i cant see the id for my account...
bro win i bay the glass 500k in mony bakge . when i bay 1alredy i have 1600000 but i took 3 and my mony 1m go away and now i have 100k
can you took the glass and give my my mony back
Dear Administrators,
I am writing to appeal the ban on my accounts due to a violation of General Rule 1.8. I sincerely apologize for my actions and acknowledge that I was not aware of the specific rules. This oversight was unintentional, and I understand the importance of adhering to the...
Dear Administrators,
I am writing to appeal the ban on my accounts due to a violation of General Rule 1.8. I sincerely apologize for my actions and acknowledge that I was not aware of the specific rules. This oversight was unintentional, and I understand the importance of adhering to the...
عزيزي الإداريين،
أكتب إليكم لاستئناف الحظر المفروض على حساباتي بسبب انتهاك القاعدة العامة 1.8. أعتذر بصدق عن تصرفاتي وأقر بأنني لم أكن على علم بالقواعد المحددة. كان هذا الإغفال غير مقصود، وأنا أفهم أهمية الالتزام بالإرشادات التي وضعتها منصتك.
أرجو منكم أن تفكروا في إلغاء حظر حساباتي. أنا ملتزم...
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