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  1. Mr_Dravenn

    Reviewed 0000

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  2. Mr_Dravenn

    Rejected stealing in GZ | ID : 0000

    i parked my car in arena (GZ) and me and my friend went to practice in arena and after 10 mins i got notification someone stealing my car and i went out side. i cant see my car. i have POV but its started after i went inside arena. Then i went impound lot and took the name who steal my car, so...
  3. Mr_Dravenn

    Approved Event rule 1.16 | Hoodrich family

    Members of Hood rich family asking for 300k for non high command FIB agent. We paid them because we wanted to continue RP situation. FIB director can confirm the fact that he was not HC. According to Rules of Leaders 1.6 The senior staff of any organizations is considered only 9th(deputy) rank...
  4. Mr_Dravenn

    Approved Cl | ID : 11236

    all in the POV
  5. Mr_Dravenn

    Rejected hurmachi family breaking rule | ID : 0000

    all in the POV. this HURMACHI getting demorgan,warning daily atleast 5 people. they dont know the rules. and what is Rp.. please take good decision.... because they are spoiling Rp
  6. Mr_Dravenn

    Approved unrealistic behaviour | ID : 655

    He rammed me and punching and insult while im onduty. For no reason
  7. Mr_Dravenn

    Approved DM in green zone ID : 77

    DM in green zone ID : 77
  8. Mr_Dravenn

    Rejected racism ID : 95263

    he use m word
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