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Search results

  1. Andrija Cash

    Rejected povlačim

  2. Andrija Cash

    Rejected G.P.1.1 I Mujo Simba

    Greetings Lebron, I got banned for G.P.1.1 more than 1 and a half years ago because he is my friend, his ID is 32818 on the account because while I was talking to him on discord, my screen was split and he saw my email and password and then entered the account, I immediately changed everything...
  3. Andrija Cash

    Rejected G.P.1.1 I Mujo Simba

    Pozdrav Mujo ili Abrahama dobio sam ban pre 1 ipo god i hteo da vas pitam da li BiH mogao da se vratim na server da uživam sa drugovima i da pomazem novim igračima. Ako BiH Mogo dobiti Jos jednu sansu. Hvala na čitanju!!!
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