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Search results

  1. N

    Approved Car Raming

    I was on discord with my friend as we were not in any RP situation. I was just waiting for my friend to come pick me and then ID 60414 started robing me in front of a bank. I ran away. Then he started VDM so I asked my friend to protect me till I get in the car. After I got in the car he rammed...
  2. N

    Approved VDM in green zone

    He was driving on the wrong side of the road and crashed into me i left and he followed me then he car rammed me in gz. i told him that he was driving on the wrong side of the road then he tried to vdm me.
  3. N

    Rejected Neil Fedorov | 16125 | LSPD corrupt bio

    Name: Neil Fedorov Gender: Male Age: 19 Date of birth: 10/10/2002 Nationality: Indian Place of Birth: Vadodara Gujarat India Residence: USA, Los Santos , San Andreas Father: John Marshal Mother: Emma Marshal Height and weight: 179 cm / 78 kg Body Type: Muscular Eye color: Black Hair color...
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