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Search results

  1. Spike Ralte

    Rejected RDM+MK | 177706

    killed me without demands on the road and mercy killed me
  2. Spike Ralte

    Rejected ER 1.11 | 281286

    this guy killed me outside the circle in king of the mountain all in pov
  3. Spike Ralte

    Approved ER1.6 | 397770

    as you can see from my pov player 397770 was using lmg which is not allowed
  4. Spike Ralte

    Approved GZ 1.1 , RDM | 306362,256143,328766

    Was doing my bp task and was going to parking to get my car , these people pull up and start shooting me without demands im so confused
  5. Spike Ralte

    Approved ER 1.1 | 37160, 104618, 324101

    teaming on king of the mountain event all in pov
  6. Spike Ralte

    Approved GR 3.2 | 184099

    all in pov
  7. Spike Ralte

    Rejected RDM | 430961

    was on my way to my fam house saw these people on the way and i stop to say hi and try to dance with them but they instantly kill me
  8. Spike Ralte

    Approved ER 1.1 | 440554 , 439664

    You can see them standing still inside the circle without shooting each other and after i shot the guy both of them shoot me cause they were teaming up .
  9. Spike Ralte

    Reviewed GR 6.8 | 306603

    All in POV
  10. Spike Ralte

    Approved GR 3.2 | 358119

    mentioning my mother
  11. Spike Ralte

    Approved Event rules 1.2, RDM | 260638

    i was about to go in harbor event and the event started already , was trying set meeting point for my family and this guy out of nowhere no demands killed me
  12. Spike Ralte

    Approved RDM , killing in GZ | 258168

    this guy pull up while i was in a gas station try to rammed me and explode the gas station, he block me when i try to leave and he continue to kill me i have never meet this guy today
  13. Spike Ralte

    Approved RDM , Rules of green zone 2.4 | 438227

    all in pov
  14. Spike Ralte

    Approved RDM | 2673

    this family came and rdm no demands given from both side
  15. Spike Ralte

    Rejected ER 1.1,1.6 | 360736 , 429567

    mistake ignore
  16. Spike Ralte

    Approved RDM | 429947

    This guy try to punch me into the red zone and kill me but i got back in the beach market and he killed me from the red zone and no demands given too
  17. Spike Ralte

    Approved RDM | 429520 , 283596

    this two came and killed us without giving demands and the event had not even started
  18. Spike Ralte

    Approved Event Rules 1.1 | 341073 , 147146

    Blood family and raiderS family are teaming up at Harbor
  19. Spike Ralte

    Approved Random Punching | 348661

    this guy shoot me from the red zone come and insult me and while i was looking for things to buy he came back and random punch me
  20. Spike Ralte

    Approved RDM | 425282

    This guy ramdomly killed me while i was on a job as a firefighter looking back at the POV i dont hear any demands either
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