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  1. P

    Reviewed warning for cl | harshad xoxo

    basically there was a thread no.976936, Where i have recived punishment for cl.i agree with that.later there is a random thread no.976791 where the admin stated that i have been seen in the pov but,i was not there at all and i have recived wrong punishment.it is clearly been mentioned a diffrent...
  2. P

    Rejected Warning For CL | HARSHAD XOXO

    According to thread no.976791 i was punished first with a 180 min demorgan and 1 warning by a diffrent admin,later harshad xoxo gave me same punishment after 45 mins and i have 2 warnings now i need justice.
  3. P

    Rejected RDM | ID 46008

    Iam Roaming Outside The Ghetto I Was Killed WithoutAny Demands
  4. P

    Rejected Random VDM+RDM Firing On Players IN Green Zone | 194156

    I Request You To Punish This Guy
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