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  1. L

    Reviewed possible cheats |168022

    as you can see hes not missing a one shot and hes giving me 360 shorts thats not possible normally i think hes a cheater please check
  2. L

    Approved GZ 1.1 |131547

    he did 2 time rdm on me on 26 so fast time he did rdm on me he get punished its second time
  3. L

    Rejected GZ 1.1 |131547

    he did 2 time rdm on me on 26 so fast time he did rdm on me he get punished its second time
  4. L

    Approved GZ 1.1 |131547

    he doing rdm on every one in gz
  5. L

    Rejected wrong decision | michael manyors

    you can see clearly hes abusing me in hindi clearly
  6. L

    Rejected GR 3.1 + GR 3.2 |149807

    we got a in fight when i get kill they abuse me in hindi and they did mk on me
  7. L

    Reviewed GZ 1.1 |196041

    they are using cheats i didnt have that pov but they killme me and arrest me for no reason and they are fake fib and they break so many rules they abuse me in hindi all in pov
  8. L

    Reviewed Pov request+Possible cheats |0000

    he shot me behind the cover all in pov
  9. L

    Rejected Ghetto rule 1.12 | 157515

    sir they dont know the rules they messing cammands and when they say run for your life one guy says stop and one guy saying run in the end they chase me and kill me
  10. L

    Rejected fail rp | 183588

    fail rp
  11. L

    Approved GZ 1.3 | 182621

    he leave rp situation
  12. L

    Reviewed provoking | 178741

    im just standing there and he starting provoking me
  13. L

    Approved GZ 1.1 | 178741

    he did random punching and rdm on me
  14. L

    Rejected rdm | 171605

    we are standing there waiting for valuable and they did rdm
  15. L

    Reviewed Ban for Under investigation | Tomi Meller

    Sir this is the second time i am getting a pc check from the same person for the same reason i already got my pc checked by the admins so pls unban me
  16. L

    Rejected Ban for Under investigation | Tomi Meller

    Sir this is the second time i am getting a pc check from the same person for the same reason i already got my pc checked by the admins so pls unban me
  17. L

    Rejected fail rp | 135193

    he doing fail rp and abuseing me
  18. L

    Rejected gr 3.1 + gr 3.2 | 158122 . 176420

    hes abused me and my family
  19. L

    Rejected bug abuse | 187488

    i killed him in ghetto and hes doing bug abuse again again
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