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Search results

  1. ayham mah

    Rejected Gen rule 1.8 / Lebron_Pluxury

    Dear Admins, This Forum is to request you to remove my ban. I did the mistake of transferring the money between my accounts unknowingly that it is against the rules, after I learned that it was not allowed to do so I haven't done it again. I request you to wipe my money if necessary to reopen...
  2. ayham mah

    Approved VDM/ID:22532

  3. ayham mah

    Rejected Bug Abuse - id:17165

    Bug Abuse
  4. ayham mah

    Approved CL/ID : 4810

  5. ayham mah

    Reviewed RDM/ID: 18127

  6. ayham mah

    Approved Bug Abuse /RDM / ID : 19465

    This guy shoots me in the city for not taking a bike from me while he owns me and makes mistakes.
  7. ayham mah

    Approved CL/ID : 991

    comdat log
  8. ayham mah

    Approved CL / ID : 11240

  9. ayham mah

    Approved Rule Break | id: 0000

    I was filling my car with fuel, someone killed me, and I don't know who he is. You can see this in the attached video at the seventh minute.
  10. ayham mah

    Rejected id: 16546 I CL

    combat log
  11. ayham mah

    Rejected General Rules 6.23| David Pluxury

    Dear Admins, This Forum is to request you to remove my ban. I got ban for bug abuse which happened to me unintentionally. I promise that I will make sure that it doesn't happen to me again and if it happens I will pause the RP and report it to you to unbug me. I request you to wipe my money...
  12. ayham mah

    Rejected General Rules 6.23| David Pluxury

    Dear Admins, This Forum is to request you to remove my ban. I got ban for bug abuse which happened to me unintentionally. I promise that I will make sure that it doesn't happen to me again and if it happens I will pause the RP and report it to you to unbug me. I request you to wipe my money...
  13. ayham mah

    Rejected General Rules 6.23| David Pluxury

    dear admins I was in the ghetto with my friend helping them so when I left the car my player was glitching after that the guy rep me for that and I get band for 7 days gen rule 6.23 it was glitch from the game I really respect the rules and the RP in the server so can you plz forgive me for my...
  14. ayham mah

    Rejected General Rule 1.8 | Arthur Mack

    Dear Admins, This Forum is to request you to remove my ban. I did the mistake of transferring the money between my accounts unknowingly that it is against the rules, after I learned that it was not allowed to do so I haven't done it again. I request you to wipe my money if necessary to reopen...
  15. ayham mah

    Rejected Genral rule 6.23 / David Pluxury

    Where is the justice between giving me a ban on my account and not giving others a ban and they have the same problem? Where is the justice? I will leave the links below.
  16. ayham mah

    Approved CR | 12204

  17. ayham mah

    Reviewed General Rule 1.8 | Arthur Mack

    Dear Admins, This Forum is to request you to remove my ban. I did the mistake of transferring the money between my accounts unknowingly that it is against the rules, after I learned that it was not allowed to do so I haven't done it again. I request you to wipe my money if necessary to reopen...
  18. ayham mah

    Rejected General Rule 1.8 | Arthur Mack

    Dear Admins, This Forum is to request you to remove my ban. I did the mistake of transferring the money between my accounts unknowingly that it is against the rules, after I learned that it was not allowed to do so I haven't done it again. I request you to wipe my money if necessary to reopen...
  19. ayham mah

    Rejected Ban removal

    Hello, Mr. Administrator. When I review the laws carefully, which caused me to ban my account, I offer my full apologies for this wrong behavior. I hope that you withdraw all the money in the account and return the account to me. Thank you
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