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  1. M

    Approved rdm-ub demand / 113923

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  2. M

    Rejected Demorgan for CR | Antonio Gonzalez

    Hello Lebron, i got punishment here for CR, i was stealing a car im ok i did CR, but he gave me the punishment after 10 minutes and i was in rp, im sure he cannot do this, this is fail rp, please Lebron reconsider the situation, have a good day!
  3. M

    Rejected Fail RP | Antonio Gonzalez

    Hello Lebron, i got punishment here for CR, i was stealing a car im ok i did CR, but he gave me the punishment after 10 minutes and i was in rp, im sure he cannot do this, this is fail rp, please Lebron reconsider the situation, have a good day!
  4. M

    Approved rdm / 98224

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    Reviewed Wrong Decision | Munna Federal

    Hello Lebron, as can u see in this forum, i got punishment for gen rule 6.15, and the admin accepted forum with cropped pov, and that's not allowed, he requested pov from the player, and he didn't post any pov, after all this he approved the forum with cropped pov, so please help me if u can, ty!
  6. M

    Reviewed gen rule 6.8 ID: 124697

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    Rejected GN 6.8 /124697

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    Rejected gen rul 6.8

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    Approved rdm /130368

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    Approved rdm / 136380 + 138608

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    Approved gn 6.15/ 135106 + 130820

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    Approved rdm / 124560 + 127893

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  13. M

    Rejected Wrong Decision | Zain Skorpean

    Dear Lebron, i hope u are doing well! i did this complaint and as can u see the admin said "when yellow mark appears they can rdm each other without demands" that's meaning we can kill without demands? i think no, so please re-open it again, thank u.
  14. M

    Rejected Rdm /126442

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  15. M

    Rejected rdm / 162442

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  16. M

    Approved rdm / 113226 + 83840

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  17. M

    Rejected rdm / 113226 + 83840

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  18. M

    Rejected rdm / 998

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  19. M

    Approved RDM / 123442

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  20. M

    Rejected Pov Request / 113798

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