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  1. A

    Approved Gen Rule 1.8 ] David_pluxury

    I think I was banned for multi account and I would like to apologize for this mistake, I will never repeat this mistake and I am very sorry! I didn't know that you can't do that. If you want I will accept a money wipe, If it makes the situation better.
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    Rejected Gen Rule 1.8 | Ahmedkoko

    I think I was banned for multi account and I would like to apologize for this mistake, I will never repeat this mistake and I am very sorry! I didn't know that you can't do that. If you want I will accept a money wipe, If it makes the situation better.
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    Rejected rejuvenation

    I don't know, it's forbidden, I have 2 accounts, I swear, I don't know about this law. Please open my account and do not repeat the mistake
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    Rejected rejuvenation

    I have 2 free 60 day band accounts for no reason, I'm doing something wrong I'm walking into a city and after I entered my club I used the Agani Band Wheel of Fortune The reason is written : Gun rule 1.8
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