Hello dear Bobby,
I received Ban For ER 1.7 related to Fam War, as described here , It was an error from Nvidia, and this is the first time this has happened to me. I have fixed the bugs. I apologize for this error and I hope you will give me a chance. I am ready to pc check to confirm this...
Hello dear highr up's
I recently recieve a ban for gen 1.7 regarding famwar baiscly i record whole pov at end while checking it if found it
that it corrputed and it so lagging i applogize regarding this incident i will try to fix soon as possible hope u guys consider it
here is the pov...
dear High up Admin
i think admin do wrong decision about my forum as you can see i report some guy for RDM and ER 1.2 and he just get Warn for ER 1.2 .
as you can see (here) i do same thing i get Warn for RDM and ER 1.2 pls I hope the admin will review the forum again
Dear Higher-Up Admins,
Today I received Ban for 3 warning while last warning it CR as you can see on forum here : Approved - RDM,MK I 186176 401008 , CR its A collision between cars, not people i should get VDM not CR
thenk you
as you can see in the first this guy (186176) try to push my friend from roof And he succeeded, so i also go to puched his friend and he start shot me and i shot him back also as you can see his friend who kill me here . secondly i get help by random guy while he also get help i ask him for why...
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