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  1. Kerby


    Als ich gemütlich in die Waffenfabrik reininken wollte war da einer der meine Attacke von 53+39+39+39 Schaden STANDHALTEN konnte HEALKEY, GODMODE vielleicht?? Bitte POV oder direkt BANNEN. POVs gegen den Schlingel in der Fabrik https://streamable.com/wib5sp https://streamable.com/7gx3fw
  2. Kerby

    Rejected for curator of the project unban appeal

    ID:6362 Why were you banned?: 1.4 Twinking How long were you locked? 9999 days How long is your sentence? 9870 days Why should we unban you? My account was banned on 4.4 for Twinking by Tom Harrilson, at that time an old friend of mine got banned for some reason, in my silliness and...
  3. Kerby

    Reviewed for curator of the project unban appeal

    ID:6362 Why were you banned?: 1.4 Twinking How long were you locked? 9999 days How long is your sentence? 9870 days Why should we unban you? My account was banned on 4.4 for Twinking by Tom Harrilson, at that time an old friend of mine got banned for some reason, in my silliness and...
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