I wish to apply for leadership of Government.
I Know and understand Gang leaderships are my weakness and I landed in trouble for things that I honestly was not aware of and learnt from. Since then I have returned to legal and accept that been legal is the only route.
I have had two...
I have been part of EN 1 for many years and have always had this name. Not once before was I demorganed or punished for it. I did ask admins when I first came on over 2 years ago if I could and the admins did not have a problem. I do not understand why it is now a problem now. In EN 2 I was even...
Owner Details
Family name : Deep Blu
Family House No: 61
Leader IG Name: Blu BluWilliam | 93
Provide the owner's forum profile link!: Blu Blu
Owner’s Discord: babyblumama
Family Logo:
Family Uniform:
Backstory :
Our family Deep Blu members all strive for the same goals, to keep...
I feel that friends have been selected here not just because I have applied but there are much better applications that have not even been considered for interview.
Please Kindly take a few minutes and look into this.
Your time is greatly appreciated.
(I put jailed as we do not have any other...
Owner Details
Family name : Deep Blu
Family House No: 62
Leader IG Name: Blu Blu | 93
Provide the owner's forum profile link!: Blu Blu
Owner’s Discord: Babyblumama#8252
Family Logo:
Family Uniform:
Backstory :
We pride ourselves in been part of Deep Blu family. We aim to grow strong...
Theft from storage, no permission given.
6.22 It is forbidden to sell/buy family businesses or withdraw/deposit money on/from fam balance without fam leaders approval, as well taking from warehouse and family cars (It falls under rule of scam 1.3)
I was previously in Bloods and wore red dresses without a problem, today I am doing a store robbery with Famalies and suddenly Jackson Eclipse demorgans me for 180 min for not wearing full green. Are woman not allowed to wear dresses and if so it is not stated in rules.
Banned for Gen rule 1.1. Skye and myself do not share accounts. We are on the same IP as she is my daughter irl and I do have other family members that play as well. I have never been a rule breaker and NEVER shared my account. I have spent a lot of time and money in GRP and am not stupid enough...
Theft from cars and storage without my permission as Family Leader of Deep Blu. Upon approach he refused to hand the items back. Actions taken within the family is Black listing him
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