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  1. E

    Rejected Wrong Decision GR 6.2 - game crash

    Good Evening I have just recive a punishment for GR6.2 witch happened when my game crashed as can hear in POV at end there is Windows error also my comment "oh my game crashed" - whitch coused closing most of used at moment apps
  2. E

    Approved Fail RP/UB demands | 214641

    as in POV State object defence: his "demands" leave leave leave... no time given anwser on my demand - instantly shooting me
  3. E

    Reviewed POV request | 358791

    i want to see how i died behind the vent
  4. E

    Approved VDM before bizwar | 98427

    this "element" VDMed me into the zone
  5. E

    Approved CR | 322918

    as in POV while my man was in turf this dude tried to ram his car into the sea https://streamable.com/pkc2ez https://streamable.com/wbvo62
  6. E

    Approved VDM + gr 6.15 | 262066

    as in pov
  7. E

    Approved ER 1.2 | 339115 and 54196

    as in POV Foundry event
  8. E

    Approved RDM 197070

    Hi as seen i was doing nourishing and yeah.. GG for killing people without guns in their hands hero
  9. E

    Reviewed POV request ID OOOOO - possible cheats/hitbox

    i would rly like to see how did i died in full cover (there was only our fams fighting i didnt die from behind or flank for sure) more or less this guy wasnt missing any rev shots witch is also shown on attatched screenshots:
  10. E

    Approved RDM before Event | 289447

    G'd Evening as in POV... he started to killing our fam members just before Weapons Factory start possible considered as mass RDM as You see in my short quick replay he was killing other family members as well
  11. E

    Approved GR 6.15/RDM + random punching | 174477, 155896, 149434, 177705

    As in POV https://streamable.com/7qygiv https://streamable.com/ej7ou4 https://streamable.com/cyqbl7 sorry accidently i deleted link while editing post As i left family house (23:16) instantly i got punched and insulted from this.. 'margin of society' as demanded (23:17) to leave our property -...
  12. E

    Rejected POV request | 44039

    i would like to see how i was getting hits while holding behind vents positions
  13. E

    Approved RDM in city | 292355 & 222000

    as in POV was writing my phone and got almost RDM without any RP so karma came by on those elements soon after RDMing and crying for being VDMed
  14. E

    Rejected Warn for ER 1.2 by Luke Lupus

    G'd evening fellows administrators I would like to appeal from decision taken on my person from thread: Approved - E.R 1.2 | 233113 I fully understand what is ER 1.2 and its not allowed to kill before/after event. Yet this player who reported me for that just seconds before (it is seen that...
  15. E

    Approved GR 6.22 | 227632

    As in screenshot he took what he could lift from fam ammo car without reason or allowance from fam leaders Please check and make sure to get rid off this kinda elements from our community. PS: gg for stealing AR ammo instead of rev ammo
  16. E

    Rejected CLOWNS | Unofficial Organization

    Family Name: CLOWNS Family Owner Name: Empty Venom Family Owner ID: 233113 Family House: 1732 Family Owner Discord: empty15 Family Owner Forum: empty Family Back story: A soft white layer of frosty snow lay over the city, giving it a peaceful and safe feel. But all is far from peaceful and...
  17. E

    Rejected POV request ID 280387

    resolved close please
  18. E

    Rejected CLOWNS | Unofficial Organization

    Family Name: CLOWNS Family Owner Name: Empty Venom Family Owner ID: 233113 Family House: 1732 Family Owner Discord: empty#5059 Family Owner Forum: empty Family Back story: A soft white layer of frosty snow lay over the city, giving it a peaceful and safe feel. But all is far from peaceful and...
  19. E

    Rejected CLOWNS | Unofficial Organization

    close wrong forum https://gta5grand.com/forum/threads/400717/
  20. E

    Rejected 290119 | CR in workshop

    as in POV as i made club task got CarRammed into workshop and blocked inside even tho i wrote in chat its only for a task and no upgrades for a car...
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