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Search results

  1. Neon Pluxury

    Rejected gen 6.2 | shabbir hossain

    Where did you get the warn?
  2. Neon Pluxury

    Reviewed Gen Rule 6.24 | 87304

    Close the forum
  3. Neon Pluxury

    Reviewed Gen Rule 6.24 | 87304

    no time why kill players who is doing their job.
  4. Neon Pluxury

    Reviewed Gen Rule 6.24 | 87304

    Done + sorry about that
  5. Neon Pluxury

    Reviewed Gen Rule 6.24 | 87304

  6. Neon Pluxury

    Reviewed Gen Rule 6.24 | 87304

    Done +
  7. Neon Pluxury

    Reviewed Gen Rule 6.24 | 87304

    All is in POV
  8. Neon Pluxury

    Rejected Wrong Decision | Sahil Jack

    As you can see in my Pov is unintentionally rammed into them once cauz i was trying to pass by them from the right but the yellow thrax rammed me towards them. But in that guys pov it looks like it is once but intentionally, But Sahil Jack gave me punishment without confirming it clearly. I...
  9. Neon Pluxury

    Approved VDM I 102475 ,101948 , 65124

    First off all i am 101948 and i dont see myself vdming into anyone and if i did i got rammed by other of my friends.
  10. Neon Pluxury

    Rejected Wrong Decision | Zazie Walker

    As you can see in the video the guy call an emergency call first then passed the vest but Zazie told that that guy passed the vest and called a family member to arrest him but Zazie should understand that here i am just a state employee i am just doing my job i searched that guy and him also i...
  11. Neon Pluxury

    Approved Mass Rule Break | 87304, 101948

    bro i dont have nasa pc like you XD
  12. Neon Pluxury

    Approved GZ 1.1 | Hassy Davids

    As you can see In my POV that guy clearly killed me in Unscripted GZ but Hassy Davids told me that GZ 1.1 is only applied on Scripted GZ. I asked in Contact administration and another admin told me it also applied in Unscripted GZ.
  13. Neon Pluxury

    Reviewed GZ 1.1 | 72826

  14. Neon Pluxury

    Reviewed GZ 1.1 | 72826

    i think you should know what is unscripted gz
  15. Neon Pluxury

    Reviewed GZ 1.1 | 72826

    if admins ask i can give XD full POV and i am standing there at that place for 5 min
  16. Neon Pluxury

    Approved VDM + RDM | 87304, 102475

    No RDM here all RP has been engaged before shooting
  17. Neon Pluxury

    Reviewed GZ 1.1 | 72826

    All in POV. I was doing some OOC works and he just killed me out of nowhere. Neon BluWilliam| EN2 Player |EX EMS Employee If you feel the messeges from this player hurt you , feel free to file a Complaint Against Player
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