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  1. A

    Rejected UB demand | 95024

    he give me demand in middle of nowhere and alone
  2. A

    Reviewed RDM | 161532 178289

    lets say u gave demand and u have POV (as u saying) its not ur fam house so u cant give demands
  3. A

    Rejected Fail RP | 0000

  4. A

    Approved GR 3.1 | 88081

    1st. i think u forget to see the first part of my reply 2nd. for his POV its IC issue so i will not get punished 3rd. he did the forum so im just showing the admin the full situation 4th. dont expect from admins to review a pic for a message i typed while everyone of u was talking in mic (they...
  5. A

    Approved GR 3.1 | 88081

    Hello admins i have a POV he came with friends to insult LI employee again and again i didnt know that they are so when they start insulting i come inside HQ and closed the door they come inside before the door closed after that i went for my job and for his forum its not 3.1GR actually they...
  6. A

    Rejected Fail RP | 0000

    i joined LMS event once i joined he robbed me and the admins freezing everyone so i cant move away.
  7. A

    Approved GR 3.1 + 3.2 | 64589

    you can see that Insulting of the person + he mintion realtives
  8. A

    Approved ER 1.2 | 166915

    you can see in POV that he killed me during the RP ticket factory ((im sorry for that fps but that's exacutly what i see)) Thanks for understand ❤
  9. A

    Rejected GR 3.1 + 3.2 | 64589

    you can see that Insulting of the person + he mintion realtives
  10. A

    Rejected UB demand, RDM | ID 155401

    as you can see in pov i was running to beach market he demand me without any situation and after demand should i dispear?? like i djdnot stop or anything and i think this area is GZ
  11. A

    Rejected Favouritsm by LI Deputy | 16473

    sorry for replying but that is totally right he just use his rank against employees and be kind of his friends (mean favoritism and abuae his rank) hope you have time to check everything and I'm sure you will make the right decision. ❤❤
  12. A

    Rejected Wrong Decision | Arthur Mack

    hello. I saw someone his name is GOD Distroyer and ask admins to punish him but the admin says that there is no wrong in his name Appricate all admins work ❤
  13. A

    Rejected wrong decision | Arthour Mark

    hello. i found someone his name GOD Distroyer so as i have a religion i asked an admin to punish him for disrespect religions but the admin says that no problem in his name as u can see in SS thank u all ❤ ((he didnt puniah me or punish him and the type of punishment cant be empty))
  14. A

    Rejected GZ 1.1 | 1766

    All in POV (There was only thia options Hit him while i going on my road)
  15. A

    Reviewed 136117 | Cheat

    I was woking in GZ And when i close the pda i say him killing me U can see everything in POV
  16. A

    Approved 118780 | VDM

    All in POV
  17. A

    Rejected RDM | 112220

    Sir all the problem was in his mic after he stopped me I dont have a POV before what in proof
  18. A

    Rejected RDM | 112220

    Hello sir I was speeding then officer send massege to me to stop and when i stop fisrt thing he did is aim gun at my head I hear him say drop your weapon then he didnot say anything After that he cuff me without RP (like put your hands up and turn around etc.) He say he tell me to get my mask...
  19. A

    Rejected RDM | ID 112220

    Hello sir I was speeding then officer send massege to me to stop and when i stop fisrt thing he did is aim gun at my head I hear him say drop your weapon then he didnot say anything After that he cuff me without RP (like put your hands up and turn around etc.) He say he tell me to get my mask...
  20. A

    Rejected RDM | ID 112220

    Hello sir I was speeding then officer send massege to me to stop and when i stop fisrt thing he did is aim gun at my head I hear him say drop your weapon then he didnot say anything After that he cuff me without RP (like put your hands up and turn around etc.) He say he tell me to get my mask...
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