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Search results

  1. Aanchal Kaizen

    Rejected deputy governor | goverment

    Nowadays, any random guy applies for leader 💀
  2. Aanchal Kaizen

    Rejected Leader of FIB | Fateh Grand

    ++ Big Vouch !!
  3. Aanchal Kaizen

    Rejected Leader of Los Santos Police Department | Devarsh Quinn

    ++ Will be a good leader !!
  4. Aanchal Kaizen

    Rejected Leader of National Guard /Uttaran Sarkarr

    Loll Bruh, nowdays any random fella applies for leader xD
  5. Aanchal Kaizen

    Rejected Er 1.2 | 24696 West Mafia Family

    Lol Bruh, man thinks he is will do the judgement🤣
  6. Aanchal Kaizen

    Reviewed PoV request I'd 120323

    POV Request for literally no reason💀
  7. Aanchal Kaizen

    Approved Leader of Marabunta | Berke Salvo

    +1 Good Luck !!
  8. Aanchal Kaizen

    Rejected Leader of FIB | Lucifer Lee

    +1 Good Luck !!
  9. Aanchal Kaizen

    Rejected Leader of FIB | Kira Hill

    +1 Good Luck
  10. Aanchal Kaizen

    Approved Leader of Bloods | Spray Frolov

    +1 Will Be The Best Leader !!
  11. Aanchal Kaizen

    Approved Leader of EMS | Lucifer Watson

    +1 Would be the best leader
  12. Aanchal Kaizen

    Rejected Leader of Ballas | Harsh thaakur

    +1 Good Luck !!
  13. Aanchal Kaizen

    Approved CL / 112654

    !! All In POV !!
  14. Aanchal Kaizen

    Rejected Leader of FIB | Raj Tanwar | 84161

    ++ This Guy Gave Me Training, back in the day when I was new in the city. Really humble and sweet guy. This Bozo will be a good leader !!
  15. Aanchal Kaizen

    Rejected Stormy | Unofficial organiztion

    ++ Good Family. This would be a good unofficial org !!
  16. Aanchal Kaizen

    Rejected Leader of FIB | Albert Gaitondee

    Good Luck !!
  17. Aanchal Kaizen

    Approved Director of FIB | Anvy Verlice

    Good Luck !! No Lake Of Trust This Time !!
  18. Aanchal Kaizen

    Approved Leader of EMS | Harsh Alexander

    This is a guy with too much attitude and zero knowledge. I know this because he is the one who gave me training in EMS and I know him very well. Not Recommended Honestly
  19. Aanchal Kaizen

    Rejected Leader of LSPD | Raj Tanwar

    This Guy is really skilled and humble. He guy gave me training and today I am a really successful person in the city. Bigg Vouch for you BOZO.
  20. Aanchal Kaizen

    Approved CL I 288994

    So I was processing this suspect and after we reached DOC I tried to patch him but he was full health so just to fulfil the formalities, I tried to patch him up from my own first aid kit and for that I had to release him from cuffs. So I released him from Cuffs to provide him medical attention...
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