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Search results

  1. submgaming

    Approved RDM | 114362

    Everything in POV
  2. submgaming

    Approved RDM | 104379

    I am in front of construction site and AFK. This guy come and first raam me with car and then kill me without giving any demand. Also, demand is not working if I the player is AFK..!! Please take a look on POV.
  3. submgaming

    Rejected RDM | ID 104379

    I am in front of construction site and AFK. This guy come and first raam me with car and then kill me without giving any demand. Also, demand is not working if I the player is AFK..!! Please take a look on POV.
  4. submgaming

    Rejected CR | 49587

    Car Ramming
  5. submgaming

    Approved RDM, VDM, CR, 6.5, 6.12 | 108612, 109154, 109466, 40906, 109031

    6.5 6.12 CR VDM I am doing my job and I got a call. When I reached at the location what I see some people's ramming car over the player and then came over to me. After then ramm me. And at the last tease me.
  6. submgaming

    Reviewed GR 6.12 / 3622

    Apologies accepted and if there is any backstep of this procedure. Please close this thread without any action. Thank you
  7. submgaming

    Reviewed GR 6.12 / 3622

    Check Modified
  8. submgaming

    Reviewed GR 6.12 / 3622

    A player come to me and hit me when I am on duty in EMS lobby. POV:
  9. submgaming

    Rejected Car Theft in GZ / 0000

    Ram my car out of GZ it was park at beach market. POV:
  10. submgaming

    Approved VDM / 104399

    This player kill me with car without any reason. POV
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