What Bug abuse?? i got a game crash, and reopened game I just spawned here. May b its a glitch and I didn't make any advantage of it.
and why u meta gaming?? passing information through discord while u unconscious?
in proof 2, why u muted the audio?? why u trying to deceive admins ??
All these people belong to the same family and using same illegal redux which removes drug effect and using tracers
I am requesting their pov and pls check
Note:To avoid the rag roll death he took his gun into his hand and the animation got skipped and then he saved his life This is a clearly bug abuse.
It was intentional because he kept the gun back again to avoid animation
you can watch the pov of Bug abusing from 8:47 to 8:52 sec
Using Tracers and abusing the server script
Note:Observe his pov carefully you can know the position of the enemy with tracers
Previously there is a situation. One got punished for the same reason (Tracers)
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