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Search results

  1. G

    Reviewed Warn appeal | Notix Haze

    please do something about this +
  2. G

    Rejected all in POV

    he left while under arrest
  3. G

    Rejected thread/ warning wasnt fare

    hello my name is gabe merks ID#281920 yes i did leave the game while under arrest i was being arrested for no reason when i asked for a lawer they said they were calling for one but really didnt and i felt very offended and hurt it felt like those two lspd officers were tarrgeting me and just...
  4. G

    Rejected SAHP LEADER

    my ooc age is :16 timezone:GMT 7 hours per day:8-9 name ooc: gabe
  5. G

    Rejected SAHP LEADER

    hello my name in EN1 is Gabe Merk's I'm right now a deputy chief of SAHP and ex LSPD sergeant as this term with Arnoo is coming to the end and no idea if he will be sheriff next term which hopefully he will run and get it but just in case i am gonna run for it! i have more then 2 terms with SAHP...
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